Optimization for Machine Learning (Homework #3)
Theoretical Problems
1. Consider x ∈ R+. Consider
h(x) = −lnx
• Find the Bregman divergence Dh(x,y).
• Consider function f(x) = 0.5x − ln(x + 1).
What’s the smoothness and strong convexity parameters of f with respect to h?
• Consider h-mirror descent method for solving f(x). What’s the formula to obtain xt from xt−1 with a learning rate ηt.
2. Consider a composite optimization problem
f(x) + g(x),
with non-convex regularizer g(x) given by
for some λ > 0. Since logarithm grows slowly when |xj| increases, this regularizer leads to less bias than L1 regularization. Assume we want to apply proximal gradient method
proxηg [x − η∇f(x)]
to solve this problem, where the proximal optimization problem becomes
proxηg(z) = argmin(1) x
• Show that when η > 0 is sufficiently small, then the proximal optimization problem (1) is strongly convex for all z. What is the range for such η?
• Find the closed form solution for proxηg(z) when η is sufficiently small so that (1) is convex.
• If f(x) is L smooth and 2λ strongly convex. Does the proximal gradient algorithm converge? If so, how many iterations are needed to obtain an primal suboptimal solution?
3. Consider the optimization problem
where Ai are matrices. We rewrite it as
subject to A1x − z1 = 0,...,Anx − zn = 0, A0x − z0 = 0.
• Write down the Lagrangian function L(x,z,α) with multipliers α1,...,αn and α0 corresponding to the n + 1 linear constraints.
• Find the dual formulation φD(α) = minx,z L(x,z,α) in terms of fi∗.
• If n = 1 and A1 = I, write down the dual objective function in α0 by eliminating α1. Assume ) is smooth, how to get primal the primal variable x from dual α0? 4. (4 points) Consider a symmetric positive definite matrix A, and let
• Find the Fenchel’s dual of f(x) + g(x).
• Find ∇f∗(α) and ∇g∗(α)
• Write down a closed form formula for the dual ascent method.
• Find the smoothness of f∗ and g∗ and explain how to set learning rate for dual ascent.
Programming Problem
• Download data in the mnist sub-directory (which contains class 1 (positive) versus 7 (negative)
• Use the python template “prog-template.py”, and implement functions marked with ’# implement’.
• Complete codes and get the plots
• Discuss the behaviors of proximal and dual averaging algorithms in the experiments
• Discuss the impacts of different µ in the experiments
• Moreover, can you reduce the degree of oscillations for GD by selecting other learning rates when the objective function is highly non-smooth?