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ECE 509 Homework 1 Convex Optimization Solved

Homework 1
Convex Optimization

1.   Consider convex functions fi : Rn →R, i = 1,··· ,k. Prove that the set

{x | fi(x) ≤ 0}

is convex.

2.   Consider a convex function f : Rn →R. Prove that the set

{(x,t) | f(x) ≤ t}

is convex.

3.   (a) If M1,M2 ∈S2 are positive definite, prove that M1 + M2 is positive definite.

(b) Prove that the set of all n × n positive definite symmetric matrices is convex.

4.   Prove that the following set is convex: ! 

5.   Find a necessary and sufficient condition under which the following quadratic function is convex:




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