1 Goals
This assignment asks you to implement a class named Square that is derived from State, and Board (a 9 by 9 array of Squares). Parts (data and functions) will be added to these classes as the project develops.
To derive a class from another class.
To compose a class within another class.
To use constructors, destructors, inline functions and non-inline functions.
To use simple inheritance and ctor initializers.
To learn what delegation is.
To use trace comments in constructors and destructors to build an appreciation for how the language works.
2 One Square on a Sudoku Board
The State class contains all the information that will be saved during play to support operations of undo, redo, save to a le, and restore from a le. The Square class, derived from State, will store all the other information about the Square: its row and column numbers and its relationships to other squares in the same row, column, and box. We are unable, at this time, to handle all of the properties of a Square; more parts will be added later as more classes are added to the project.
Put the Square class in the same pair of les as the State class. In this case, I believe it will make comprehension and debugging easier if these two closely related classes are kept together. If you strongly disagree about this design issue, use a separate pair of les.
Modication to the State class: Make all of the data members of State protected, not public.
Introduce a default constructor that can be called from the default constructor of Square.
The Square class. Derive the Square class from the State class. This creates a new class that has all the members of a State followed by all the new members dened for Square. The syntax is:
class Square : public State f...g
Terminology: Square is the derived class and State is the base class. This week, the data members of a Square are just the Square's row and column coordinates (digits between 1 and 9). We will add more data members in future weeks.
Square Functions.
A constructor that will initialize the Square and the three members of the State. The con-structor must have three parameters: a digit or a dash (char) and the row and column numbers (short ints) of the Square. To initialize the base object (the state of this square), you need to use a ctor that passes the char from the parameter list of the Square constructor to the State constructor. A ctor is an initialization expression that can be used to initialize any class member. It is written after the parameter list of a constructor and before the opening
brace. There are three situations in which a ctor must be used, but we will deal with two of
Sudoku 2: Non-Polymorphic Derivation CSCI 4526 / 6626, Fall 2016 2
them later. For now, we need a ctor in the Square constructor to call the constructor of the base class, State. The syntax is:
Square::Square ( parameters ) : State( initializer ) f ... Finally, add a
trace output to this constructor that will print a comment each time the constructor is used.
Example: cerr << Square 3, 1 constructed.
A constructor with no parameters that will initialize the Square but will print a trace comment, \Constructing empty square 3, 1". You need this no-parameter constructor in order to declare an array of Squares (the Board).
Square::Square. A destructor. Since you are not using dynamic allocation in this class, the destructor has no essential work to do. It could be a \do nothing" function. However, please put an output statement in it so that you will know every time a Square gets deleted.
My destructor produces output like this: Deleting square 3, 1
Square::print(). Write a public function with this prototype: ostream& print( ostream&
); that will print the data members of the Square and its base object, the State. Return the stream parameter. Delegate printing the state to the State class, that is, let
Square::print() call State::print(). My print function produces this output: Square [4, 0]
Value: - Possible: --765--21
Outside the class but inside the .hpp le, declare an inline method for the output operator:
ostream& operator <<( ostream&, Sqare& );
It must call your print() function with the appropriate parameter. Don't worry right now about how or why this works; just follow the example. This denition allows you to output a Square as easily as you output an integer or a string.
Inherited Functions. Because Square is inherited from State, all of the public and protected function members of State are inherited. Protected functions can be called from Square, and public functions can be called from anywhere in the program. There is no need to re-implement move and erase in the Square class. They are already present.
3 Testing
For every class you write, you should create a unit test to test all of its functions and to cause every possible error comment to appear in your output. In this program, you have two classes, so you need the unit test from P1 plus a new test for Square. Call the State test rst, then the Square test.
To test a constructor, declare at least two variables of type Square and supply parameters in the declaration. This week, it is enough to declare single squares. Your destructor will be tested automatically when your object declarations go out of scope. Test the print functions by using the << operator.
In the documentation for your test plan, say what input or parameter you will supply for each test and what output or program behavior should be produced. Incorporate this test plan into your two unit test functions (testSquare() and testState()).