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Functional-Programming - Lab 12 - Parser combinators in Haskell - Part 2 - Solved

In this lab you will learn to:

1.    Understand LISP syntax

2.    Write a parser for a subset of LISP

Table 12.1: Lab Resources

An intuition for LISP syntax
COMMON LISP: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Functional parsing
Understanding          parser combinators
Understanding parser combinators: a deep dive - Scott

12.1        Intro to LISP
12.1.1        Polish notation (prefix notation)
Concept 12.1.1: Polish notation (prefix notation)

 Polish notation or Prefix notation is a way to write mathematical or logical expressions, where the operator is before the operands. For example instead of writing 1+2, we write + 1 2 and instead of (2 − 1) + (3 ∗ 4) we write + − 2 1 ∗ 3 4. Notice that with this notation, we can omit all parentheses without introducing any ambiguity, though we can still use parentheses to improve clarity: + (− 2 1) (∗ 3 4).

   You’ve already used this notation with almost all programming languages, where function calls use prefix notation (since infix notation works only for binary functions). Thus in this style, we would write a function call as: f a b c , where f is the name of the function and a, b, c are its parameters.

 If we want to call multiple functions, we can use the same notation, but with parentheses: f (g a b) (h a) c , which you’ve already seen while using Elm, Haskell and SML! Instead of placing the arguments in parentheses and after the function name, we place the function name and the arguments between the parentheses, with the function name being the first element.

12.1.2        LISP programs
LISP is a very simple, yet powerful language: a program is just a nested list of expressions. Expressions can be lists or atoms, which are numbers or symbols (identifiers). This allows LISP programs to be also considered as data, that can be manipulated by the program itself in a similar fashion to reflection in Java.

 For example, the following are all valid LISP expressions: (+ 1 2) , (+ 1 2 3) . In each case,

  + is the first element in the list and it corresponds to a function call with an arbitrary number of arguments. We can also use multiple functions, using parentheses to denote function application: (+ (- 2 1) (* 1 2 3)) .

The final aspect is that because the program is actually also data, we need a way to differentiate between code that we want to be executed (i.e. function to be called on its arguments) and data definition. To mark a list or a symbol as data, we use quoting, with the ’ character.

 For example, to create the equivalent of the following Haskell list [1, 2, 3] in LISP, we write

  ’(1 2 3) , which means that this expression shouldn’t be evaluated (i.e. don’t treat 1 as function applied on 2 and 3 ).

  Now that we can define lists as data, we can also define functions to manipulate lists: car , which returns the first element of a list and cdr , which skips the first element and returns rest of the elements of the list. So (car ’(1 2 3)) is 1, (cdr ’(1 2 3)) is (2 3) and (car (cdr ’(1 2 3))) is 2.

12.2      Assignment

1.    Unzip the folder. You should find:

❼ 2 files in the src folder:

– Parser.hs - for the basic parsing library that you completed at the last lab – MiniLisp.hs - for the LISP parser that you partially completed at the last lab

2.    Edit the first line of each of the source files as described in the comments.

3.    Edit the source files in the src folder with your solutions.

4.    When done, zip this MiniLisp folder and name the zip archive with the following format:


MiniLisp hFirstNamei hLastNamei hGroupi

Examples of valid names:

❼ MiniLisp John Doe

❼ MiniLisp Ion Popescu

❼ MiniLisp Gigel-Dorel Petrescu

Examples of invalid names:



❼ Solutii MiniLisp Ion

12.3.1       Preparation
Update your existing MiniLisp.hs file from the previous lab by adding the new definitions from the MiniLisp.hs file from this lab.

12.3.2      Exercises

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