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FPGA Step 1: Understand the Project Requirements Solution

Before starting, review the overall goals of the project:
Objective: Implement a simple 10-bit processor on an FPGA using SystemVerilog.
Key Features:
10-bit data bus architecture.
1024x10 RAM module for both program and data storage.
Register file with various addressing modes.
Multi-stage ALU for arithmetic and logical operations.
Output system using three 7-segment displays and LED indicators.
Debounced input handling for reliable physical switch/button operation. Step 2: Set Up Your Development Environment
Hardware Check:
Ensure you have an FPGA development board with at least:
10 input switches.
2 push buttons (one for clock control, one for peek functionality).
4 seven-segment displays.
An LED strip for visualizing the data bus state.
Software Installation:
Install your preferred FPGA development tools (e.g., Quartus, Vivado, etc.).
Set up a SystemVerilog simulation environment to test your design before loading it onto the FPGA.
Project Files:
Create a new project and add the following modules:
Organize your files and ensure your project settings match your target FPGA.
Step 3: Implement the Top-Level Module (top_level_10bit)
Clock Management & Debouncing:
Write the logic to clean up the raw clock signal and button inputs.
Ensure that the clock signal is used to drive the processor on its negative edge.
Data Bus Coordination:
Integrate the data bus that connects the processor’s components. Manage high-impedance states to prevent conflicts on the bus.
Control Flow & I/O Handling:
Create a finite state machine (FSM) to control instruction execution.
Connect the inputs (clock, peek, switches) to their respective modules. Route outputs to the 7-segment displays and LED indicators.
Task: Write and test the top-level integration logic that ties together all submodules. Hint: Use simulation to verify that signals are correctly routed and synchronized. Step 4: Develop the RAM Module (ram_1024x10)
Memory Specification:
Define a memory array with 1024 locations, each 10 bits wide.
Write & Read Operations:
Synchronous Write: Ensure data is written on the clock’s active edge.
Asynchronous Read: Allow immediate data retrieval when a valid address is provided.
Task: Implement and test the RAM module functionality using simulation.
Hint: Write test benches to check both write and read operations under different scenarios.
Step 5: Create the Output Logic Module (outputlogic)
Display Outputs:
Map data values to three seven-segment displays (DHEX0, DHEX1, DHEX2). Display the current timestep (THEX_Current_Timestep).
LED Indicators:
Use an LED array (LED_B_Data_Bus) to show the state of the data bus.
Implement an LED (LED_D_Done) to indicate the completion of an operation.
Task: Code the output logic ensuring that display and LED updates occur in sync with the processor operations. Hint: Verify correct mappings by simulating changes in internal registers and bus states.
Step 6: Integrate and Test the Full Processor
Module Integration:
Connect the top-level module with the RAM and output logic modules.
Ensure all control signals and data paths are correctly interfaced.
Simulation and Debugging:
Simulate the entire design to validate the processor’s behavior.
Check the debouncing logic, clock synchronization, and data bus management.
Use the peek button functionality to inspect internal register values during simulation.
Task: Perform comprehensive testing of the integrated system in simulation before proceeding to hardware. Hint: Create test cases that simulate typical operations and edge cases. Step 7: Load the Design onto the FPGA
Synthesize the Design:
Use your FPGA development tool to synthesize the complete design. Verify that there are no synthesis errors or timing violations.
Load the bitstream onto your FPGA board.
Connect the FPGA board to your computer and power it up.
Task: Transfer the design to the FPGA and ensure that all input/output connections are secure. Hint: Double-check your board’s documentation for any specific configuration requirements.
Step 8: Operate and Evaluate the Processor
Manual Clock Control:
Use the Clock_Button to step through instructions manually.
Observe how the processor advances through its execution cycle.
Input Data:
Utilize the Raw_Data_From_Switches to provide instructions and data. Verify that the system responds as expected.
Monitor Outputs:
Watch the seven-segment displays (DHEX0, DHEX1, DHEX2) for real-time data output.
Check the LED indicators:
LED_B_Data_Bus: Monitor the state of the data bus.
LED_D_Done: Confirm when operations are completed.
Use the Peek_Button to review internal register values.
Task: Run through several test scenarios on the FPGA to ensure that the processor operates correctly. Hint: Document your test cases and any issues you encounter, then troubleshoot accordingly.
Final Notes and Tips
Clock Edge: Remember that all operations are synchronized on the negative edge of the clock.
Debouncing: Ensure debouncing is robust to avoid false triggers from the physical buttons.
Modularity: Keep your design modular to facilitate debugging and potential future expansions.
Documentation: Maintain clear documentation of your design decisions, test results, and any modifications.

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