Problem 1
Let S be the column vector with components S[1],S[2], where the stock prices S[j] have risk-neutral dynamics
d j = 1,2
with risk-free interest rate r = 0.05, and constant volatilities σ[1] = 0.3, σ[2] = 0.2.
The time-0 prices are = 110. The P-Brownian motions W[i] and W[j] have correlation ρ = 0.8.
(a) Let X be the column vector with components X[1],X[2] where X[j] := logS[j]. Find the covariance matrix of XT .
Hint: One possible approach is to write XT as a nonrandom vector plus ΣWT where Σ is the nonrandom diagonal matrix with diagonal elements σ[1],σ[2], and W is the random column vector with components W[1],W[2]. Then Cov(XT ) = E(ΣWTW Cov(WT )Σ>.
Consider a basket of one-half of a share of each stock.
(b) Using 10000 standard Monte Carlo simulations, estimate the time-0 price C of an option that pays (HT − 110)+ at time T = 1.0. Also give the standard error [the sample standard deviation, divided by the square root of the number of simulations] of your Monte Carlo estimate.
You may either use a random number generator that produces normals with a given covariance matrix (which you found in (a)), or alternatively use a random number generator that produces independent normals which you then transform to introduce correlation.
In either approach, each of the 10000 simulations should use just one R2-valued random vector Z of simulated normal zero-mean random variables.
(c) Use 10000 antithetic pairs (Z,−Z) to estimate C, together with a standard error (L5.28).
Consider the “geometric basket” .
(d) The random variable logGT is normally distributed (because it’s a linear transformation of a multivariate normal vector). Show that logGT has expectation
and variance
(e) Let CG be the time-0 price of a geometric basket option paying (GT − K)+ at time T.
Express CG in terms of the function CBS defined in FINM 33000 L6.16. Specifically, fill in the blanks:
CG = CBS( ,0,K,T, ,r, ).
Your answer should be a general formula, in which you have not substituted 0.8 for ρ, etc. (You may also do the substitutions, but don’t neglect the general formula).
(f) Using a geometric basket option as a control variate, run M = 10000 Monte Carlo simulations to estimate C, together with a standard error. Use the control variate estimate CˆMcv,βˆ from
cv,βˆ √ L6.6 or L6.7. Use the (asymptotically valid) standard error ˆσM / M.
See the ipynb file.
Problem 2
Let the bank account and non-dividend paying stock have risk-neutral dynamics
dBt = rBtdt B0 = 1 dSt = rStdt + σStdWt S0 > 0
where σ > 0 and W is a P-Brownian motion.
Consider a K-strike T-expiry vanilla call option, and let C denote its time-0 price.
(a) Let S0 = 100, σ = 0.2, r = 0.02, K = 150, T = 1.
Run 100000 ordinary Monte Carlo simulations to estimate C, together with a standard error.
(b) Suppose that we sample from a new probability measure P∗, under which W now has constant drift λ instead of drift 0. Thus Wt = Wt∗ + λt where W∗ is a standard P∗-BM.
Find the P∗-expectation E∗ST in terms of S0, r, σ, λ, and T.
Calculate λ such that E∗ST = 165.
(Why did we choose 165? The picture in L6.16 shows that the optimal distribution from which to sample will have a mean that is greater than the strike K. So let’s choose 10% higher than K. This will not be optimal, but we expect that it will be an improvement over ordinary Monte Carlo. There are more systematic ways to determine a reasonable drift adjustment, not utilized here.)
(c) Run 100000 importance sampling simulations, using the specific drift adjustment calculatedin (b), to estimate C, together with a standard error. Be aware that your zero-mean normal random draws, here, simulate increments of W∗ not W.
Each simulation should require only one number to be generated by randn.
See the ipynb file.
Comment: of course, we do not need Monte Carlo to price a call under GBM. However, suppose you wanted to price a deep OTM option under an intractable stochastic volatility model, using importance sampling. You could still use a similar approach.