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ETH_CIL22-Project Solved


The semester project is an integral part of the CIL course. Participation is mandatory. Failing the project results in a failing grade for the overall CIL course.

You work in groups of three to four students (no more, no less) to develop novel solutions to one of three topics. You may use Moodle to find team members or join an existing team.

Building on the implementations you develop during the semester, you and your teammates create a novel solution by combining and extending previous work. You compare your solution to at least two baselines and submit it to the online ranking system for evaluation. Finally, you write up your methodology and present your experimental results in the form of a short scientific paper.

Project Reports are due on 31. July 23.59. Competitive submission deadlines are given on Kaggle.

Students repeating the course can either carry over their grade from the previous year's project as-is, in which case they have to inform us in advance. Alternatively, they can also resubmit a new project in a (new) regular group.

As part of the semester project, you and your teammates are expected to

Develop a novel solution, e.g. by combining and extending methods from the programming exercises.
Compare your novel solution to at least two baseline algorithms.
Submit your novel solution for evaluation to the Kaggle online ranking system.
Write up your findings in a short scientific paper.
As a rough guide, you may approach the problem as follows: (i) study the project description sheet, (ii) download the training data and implement the baselines, (iii) develop, debug and optimize your novel solution on the training data, (iv) submit your solution for online evaluation on test data, (v) see where you stand in a ranking of all submissions.

Developing a Novel Solution
You are free to exploit any idea you have, provided it is not identical to any other group submission or existing implementation of an algorithm on the internet.

Comparison to Baselines
You must compare your solution to at least two baseline algorithms. For the baselines, you can use the implementations you developed as part of the programming exercises or come up with your own relevant baselines.

Ranking of Novel Solution
You must submit your novel algorithm to the Kaggle online ranking system. See project descriptions.

Scientific Report
For instructions on how to write a scientific paper, see the following PDF, source. The write-up must be a maximum of 4 pages long (excluding references).

Computational infrastructure
Use ETH's new Leonhard cluster. You will be given access to Leonhard during the course of the semester.

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