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ENGG1340 Computer Programming II Module 6 Self-Review Exercise Solved

ENGG1340 Computer Programming II 
Module 6 Self-Review Exercise 


1.    Write a single statement to accomplish each of following tasks: 

(a)           Use a stream manipulator to ensure that floating-point values print in scientific notation for when using cout​   ​. 

(b)           Use a stream manipulator to set the fill character to '*'​        ​ for printing in field widths larger than the values being output using cout​     ​. 

(c)           Print 6789​      ​ right justified in an 8-digit field. 


2.    Write a C++ statement that uses the manipulator setfill​      ​ to output a line containing 40 

            pound signs, i.e., “########################################​ ​”. 


3.    Identify error(s), if any, in the following array declarations. If a statement is incorrect, provide the correct statement. 

(a)           double weights[100]; 

(b)           int age[0..80]; 

(c)           int100 list[]; 

(d)           double[50] salaries; 


4.    Correct the following code so that it correctly sets the value of each element of myList​    ​ to the index of the element. 


int myList[10]; 

for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i--) myList[i] = [i]; 


5.    What is stored in list​        ​ after the following C++ code executes? 


int list[10]; 

 list[0] = 2; list[1] = 3; 

for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++)  

{ list[i] = list[i - 1] + list[i - 2];  if (i 7) list[i] = 2 * list[i] - list[i - 2]; 


6.    Determine whether the following array declarations are valid. If a declaration is valid, determine the size of the array. 

(a)           int list[] = {18, 13, 14, 16}; 

(b)           int x[10] = {1,7,5,3,2,8}; 

(c)           double y[4] = { 2.0, 5.0, 8.0, 11.0, 14.0} ; 

(d)           int list[7] = {12, 13, , 14, 16, , 8}; 


7.    Write a single statement for each of the following one-dimensional array operations: 

(a)           Initialize the 10 elements of integer array counts​         ​ to zero. 

(b)           Add 1 to each of the 15 elements of the integer array bonus​   ​.  

(c)           Read 12 values for double​  ​ array scores​ ​ from the keyboard. 




Self-Review Exercise                                                    Module 6                                                                         p. 1/2 


8.    Write a code segment that finds the minimum and maximum values contained in a 

            99-element double​ ​ array w​ ​. 


9.    Write a code segment that finds the minimum and maximum values contained in a 4-by-6 int​ array t​ ​.  (The declaration for t​ ​ is int t[4][6];​        ​) 


10.Consider the following C++ code: 


string str1; string str2; char ch; int index; cin str1; cin str2; cin index; ch = str1[index]; str1[index] = str2[index]; str2[index] = ch; 

cout << str1 << " " << str2 << endl; 


Answer the following questions: 

(a)           What is the output if the input is Hello There 2​  ​? 

(b)           What is the output if the input is Diamond Gold 0​ ​? 

(c)           What is the output if the input is C++ Java 1​       ​? 


11.What is the output of the following C++ code? 


string str1 = "Trip to Hawaii"; string str2 = "Summer or Fall"; string newStr; 

newStr = str2 + ' ' + str1; 

 cout << newStr << endl; 

cout << str1 + " in " + str2 << endl; cout << newStr.length() << endl; cout << str1.find('H') << endl; cout << str2.find("or") << endl; cout << newStr.substr(10, 19) << endl; 

cout << newStr.replace(23, 6, "******") << endl; 

 string str = "C++ Programming"; cout << str << endl; 

cout << str.length() << endl; 

 str[0] = 'J'; 

str[2] = '$'; 


cout << str << endl; 


12.Find the error(s) in each of the following, and explain how to correct it (them): 

(a)           string string1( 28 );  // construct string1  

(b)           string string2( 'z' );  // construct string2  


Self-Review Exercise                                                    Module 6                                                                         p. 2/2 


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