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ENGG1340/COMP2113 Computer Programming II Programming Technologies Module 5 Solved

ENGG1340/COMP2113 Computer Programming II 

Programming Technologies 
Module 5 Self-Review Exercise 


1.    Evaluate the following expressions: 

Give the (i) function header; (ii) function prototype (without parameter names), for each of the following functions: 

(a)           Function hypotenuse​ ​ that takes two double-precision, floating-point arguments, side1​      and side2​     ​, and returns a double-precision, floating-point result. 

(b)           Function smallest​    ​ that takes three integers, x​ ​, y​ ​ and z​ ​, and returns an integer. 

(c)           Function instructions​        that does not receive any arguments and does not return a​    value. [Note: Such functions are commonly used to display instructions to a user.] 

(d)           Function intToDouble​         ​ that takes an integer argument, number​   ​, and returns a double-precision, floating-point result. 


Example solution for (a): 

(i)    double hypotenuse( double side1, double side2 ) 

(ii)  double hypotenuse( double, double );  

2.    Define a function hypotenuse​        ​ that calculates the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle when the other two sides are given. Use this function in a program to determine the length of the hypotenuse for each of the following triangles. The function should take two arguments of type double​      ​ and return the hypotenuse as a double​   ​. 


3.    Find the error(s) in each of the following program segments, and explain how the error(s) can be corrected: 


(a)           int g()  

{ cout << "Inside function g" << endl;  int h() 

{ cout << "Inside function h" << endl;  } 


(b)           int sum( int x, int y ) 

{ int result; 

result = x + y; 



(c)           double square( double number ) 

{ double number; 

return number * number; 

4.    What is the output of the following program?  


#include <iostream using namespace std; 


void find(int a, int &b, int &c);  


Self-Review Exercise       Module 5           p. 1/2 int main()  

{ int one, two, three; 


one = 5; 

    two = 10; 

    three = 15; 


    find(one, two, three); 

    cout << one << ", " << two << "," << three << endl; 


    find(two, one, three); 

    cout << one << ", " << two << "," << three << endl; 


    find(three, two, one); 

    cout << one << ", " << two << "," << three << endl; 


    find(two, three, one); 

    cout << one << ", " << two << "," << three << endl; 

 return 0;  


void find(int a, int& b, int& c)  

{ int temp; 


c = a + b; 

    temp = a;     a = b;     b = 2 * temp; 


5. Consider the following program that will generate a random number between 1 and 3. 

int computerChoice = rand() % 3 + 1; 


Write a program that allows a user to play the Rock Paper Scissors game with computer continuously. Take a look at the following sample run.  


What do you choose? [1: Rock| 2: Paper| 3: Scissors| 4: Exit]: 1 

Computer: 2, User: 1 

The computer won! 

What do you choose? [1: Rock| 2: Paper| 3: Scissors| 4: Exit]: 2 

Computer: 1, User: 2 

You won! 

What do you choose? [1: Rock| 2: Paper| 3: Scissors| 4: Exit]: 3 

Computer: 3, User: 3 

It was a tie! 

What do you choose? [1: Rock| 2: Paper| 3: Scissors| 4: Exit]: 4  



Self-Review Exercise                                                    Module 5                                                                         p. 2/2 


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