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EMBSYS100-Assignment 3 C programming Pre-processor, Volatile Directive, and GPIO Solved

The goals for the assignment

1.      Become familiar with C programming language’s pre-processor, volatile directive, and how GPIOs work.

2.      Explore using the STM32MXCube tool to generate code for the evaluation board.


1.      Morse Code is considered a sequence of binaries. Please read about Morse Code and share the following findings:

a.      What is Morse Code?

b.      Who developed Morse Code?


2.      Using the International Code below, please write a small program to present your first name with Morse Code using the user LED on our Nucleo-F401RE evaluation board.


3.      Bonus:

a.      Use the STM32CubeMx tool to generate the boiler plate code for controlling the LED

b.      Implement a simple blinking LED program using the code generated by the tool. c. For Setup:

i.     Install the tool (available under the “general” folder in Canvas).

ii.    Install JRE if it prompts for it. iii. Reference manual for the STM32CubeMX tool

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