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EECS470 -Project #3 - Solved

1           Introduction
VeriSimpleV is a simple pipelined implementation of a subset of the RISC-V instruction set architecture, written in synthesizable, behavioral SystemVerilog. The structure of this implementation is very similar to the MIPS pipeline covered in the text. We have provided you with a base version, which has absolutely no hazard detection logic. This version of VeriSimpleV inserts 4 invalid instructions (stalls) after every instruction to remove any possibility of a hazard.

2           Assignment
Your assignment will be to modify the provided implementation of VeriSimpleV to handle hazards and forwarding. You will need to begin by modifying the if file to issue valid instructions so that more than one is in the pipeline at a time.

Your solution is subject to the following restrictions:

•    Branches should resolve in the stage in which they are currently resolved.

•    All forwarding must be to the EX stage, even if the data isn’t needed until a later stage.

•    Any stalling due to data hazards must occur in the ID stage, meaning the dependent instruction should wait in the ID stage. Obviously the instruction following the stalling instruction in the ID stage will need wait in the IF stage. Thus, if you need to insert an invalid instruction (a stall), it must appear in the EX stage.

•    If you wish to insert a noop you must also invalidate the instruction. Otherwise your CPI numbers will be wrong.

•    If there is a structural hazard in the memory, you should let the load/store go and have the IF stage wait for the bus to be free.

You will need to add logic to handle all types of hazards: structural, control and data. You will also need to add logic to forward data to avoid data hazards, where possible within the limitations above, and add stalls if and only if there is a data hazard that cannot be resolved by forwarding. You should predict branches as not taken and squash if incorrect. Verify that your improved pipeline produces the same results as our provided version.

Your improved pipeline will be tested in synthesis as well as simulation, so you should test it that way as well. Your submission will be graded automatically by comparing the files output by the provided testbench, which include the contents of the pipeline, the contents of memory and the CPI.


2.1         Hints
•    Be careful with forwarding and register 0.

•    Synthesized runs of the pipeline can take a few minutes, depending on the testcase and computer.

•    There is a lot of SystemVerilog here; take your time looking it over. Try to understand how it works before you modify it. The slides from Lab 4 will also help walk you through it.

•    Start this process early!

3           Project Files
For this project, you are provided with most of the code and the entire build and test system. The source files are available at this repository. Here is a quick introduction to what you’ve been provided and


how it’s structured.

The VeriSimpleV pipeline is broken up into 7 files in the project3/verilog/ folder. There are 5 files which correspond to the pipeline stages (project3/verilog/if, etc.); the register file module is separated into the project3/verilog/ file and instantiated by the ID stage; and the stages are tied together by the pipeline module, which can be found in the project3/verilog/pipeline.v file.

The project3/sys defs.svh file contains all of the typedef’s and ‘define’s that are used in the pipeline and testbench. The testbench and associated nonsynthesizable verilog can be found in the project3/testbench/ folder. Note that the memory module defined in the project3/testench/ file is nonsyn- thesizable.

Testing this project is less about the testbench and more about the testcases. Now that you’ve moved up to a complete processor design, testing requires running programs. You have been provided with a set of testcases in the project3/test progs/ folder, written in RISC-V assembly or C language. To run one of them, you first have to assemble it into machine code, which is done using riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc. The rules for compiling testcases in the Makefile are as follows:


SOURCE = test progs/sampler.s ...

GCC = riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc ...

program: compile disassemble hex @: ...

assembly: assemble dissemble hex @:


make assembly reads the code in from the project3/test progs/sampler.s file and writes the assembled machine code out to the project3/program.mem file, which is then read into memory by the testbench. To compile another test case, you need to override the SOURCE variable in the Makefile. To comile project3/test progs/*.c testcases, make program should be used. Finally, once you have an assembled program ready to test, you can run the VeriSimpleV the same way you’ve run every other project so far, with the make command. If you need to run a little more interactively, to see where a particular instruction is in the pipeline for instance, you have been provided with a visual debugger, which can be run using the make vis  simv command. Play around with this. It will make the project much easier.

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