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EECS340-Assignment 5 Dynamic Programming Solved

Problem 1
Provide a dynamic programming solution to each problem by following the described steps:


(i) Identify the “last” question you need to answer in developing a solution.

*(ii)* Define and prove optimal substructure.

(iii) Define subproblems, express the solution to the overall problem in terms of the subproblems. (iv) Formulate a recursive solution to the subproblems. Do not forget to specify the base case(s).

(v) Characterize the runtime of the resulting procedure assuming that you would implement your solution using a bottom-up procedure.

*(vi)* Provide the pseudo code of the bottom-up procedure you use to compute the value of the optimal solution, as well as the procedure for reconstructing the optimal solution.

* Note that, you only need to apply items (ii) and (vi) on one of the problems (of your own choice, you can choose a different problem for each item). Clearly express which problems you choose.


(a)    We are given an arithmetic expression x1o1x2o2...xn−1on−1xn such that xi for 1 ≤ i ≤ n are positive numbers and oi ∈{+,×} for 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 are arithmetic operations (summation or multiplication). We would like to parenthesize the expression in a such a way that the value of the expression is maximized. For example, if the expression is 3+4×2+6×0.5, then the optimal parenthesization is (3 + 4) × (2 + (6 × 0.5)), with a value of 35.

(b)   We are given n types of coin denominations with integer values v1, v2, ..., vn. Given an integer t, we would like to compute the minimum number of coins to make change for t (i.e., we would like to compute the minimum number of coins that add up to t, where repetitions are allowed). We know that one of the coins has value 1, so we can always make change for any amount of money t. For example, if we have coin denominations of 1, 2, and 5, then the optimal solution for t = 9 is 5, 2, 2.

(c)    Given two strings X =< x1,x2,...,xm and Y =< y1,y2,...,yn , the edit distance between X and Y is defined as the minimum number of edit operations (replacement, insertion, or deletion of a character) required to convert X to Y . For example, the edit distance between X = esteban and Y = stephen is 4, comprising of 1 deletion (e), 1 insertion (h), and 2 replacements (b → p and a → e). We would like to compute the edit distance between two given strings.

Problem 2
We are given n currencies and an exchange rate rij for any pair of currencies i an j. Namely, if we exchange 1 unit of currency i with currency j, we receive rij units of currency j. If we are given a source currency s and a target currency t, then we can go through a path of different currencies to reach t from s so as to maximize our profit. The markets can also charge an exchange fee depending on the number of exchanges we make. For example if the exchange fee is f(k) for making k exchanges and we start with 1 unit of currency s, then the path of exchanges s → t will yield rst − f(1) units of currency t, whereas the path of exchanges s → i → j → t will yield rsi ×rij ×rjt −f(3) units of currency t. The problem is to find the sequence of exchanges that will maximize the amount of target currency t we can obtain for a given source currency s.

(a)    Define and prove the optimal substructure for this problem when there is no exchange fee (f(k) = 0 for all k).

(b)   Prove that it is possible to find an exchange fee schedule f(k) so that the optimal substructure you defined above will not hold anymore.

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