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EECE7205 Project 2 Solution

This project is individual work, and each student must implement the codes independently.
You need to submit (1) a zip file including your source codes and executable file, and (2) a project report in pdf. You should be able upload (1) and (2) in one submission attempt.
Instructions on project report:
1. Use PowerPoint to prepare your report and submit as pdf file.
2. Prepare a couple of inputs including the one in the paper. For each input, demonstrate the input in a Figure (like the Figure 1 in the paper), show the initial scheduling result (like Figure 3 in the paper; report the corresponding energy and time; report the program running time), show the scheduling result after task migration (like Figure 4 in the paper; report the corresponding energy and time; report the program running time).
3. Copy your codes into the slides as part of the report.
Problem Description:
Implement and test the proposed algorithms in the “Task Scheduling” paper. You can use similar set up as in the paper.

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