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EE5003 -   Module 12 - Probability and Statistics in Matlab  - Solved

M12 Exercise 


1.    Starting with the code in ThreeOfaKind.m create a new mfile named

Flush_LastName.m that computes the probability of a flush.  A flush is 5 cards of the same suit.  Compute the analytic probability.  Look up the probability on Wikipedia.  Compare the three values.

2.    Starting with the code in Histograms.m generate the following plot. Use 100,000 random normal numbers with a standard deviation of 5 and a mean of three. Plot red vertical lines for sigma=-3:3, and label the z scores as shown. Call this mfile DistributionHomework_LastName.m.



3.    Compute the Bit Error Rate (BER) for a communications channel where a zero has a mean of -5, and a sigma of 3, and a one has a mean of 5 and a sigma of 3. The probability of a one is 50%.  Compute the BER using a simulation of 100,000 ones, and 100,000 zeros.  Plot the PDFs.  Call you Matlab script

BitErrorRateHomework_LastName.m.  Compute the BER analytically using normcdf, erf, or erfc. 

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