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EE312-Project 8 Interpreter Solved

we will write our own little toy programming language.

The language will have loops, conditional statements, arithmetic and even functions. For Phase A, however, we’re looking for just straight-line code consisting of assignment statements and output statements (i.e., print). Our language is designed to be very easy to parse (i.e., easy for a computer program to read and understand). It bears no resemblance to any real programming language. Details of the language are shown below. This language will evolve over the two projects (Phase A and Phase B).


You will be given relatively little starter code for this project. A large part of the assignment is for you to design your own approach, including data structures, algorithms, structs/classes, functions, etc. Part of your grade will be based on good choices of data structures and algorithms as well. You are prohibited from using most code from the standard C, standard C++, or any other 3rd-party library, but you may use stack, string, map, and vector. You can use any code developed in class, and you can naturally write any code you want yourself. You may use the functions C++ new and delete. Use cout

<< instead of printf. Everything else must be built from scratch. You are welcome to use any of the code from class, including previous projects and in-class examples (e.g., including code that I wrote for you). If you have questions about other specific STL structures or functions, ask the instructors.


All the code you produce in this project must be original. You may not seek outside help (other than the assistance of the instructor, TA and authorized tutors). Please keep in mind that we will be using a plagiarism checker with this project.


The Blip Language, var, set, output and text commands: For Phase A, we ask that you implement four language statements. Two of these (var and set) are for creating and assignment values to variables, and two of these (output and text) are for producing output (i.e., printing to the screen). A Blip program consists of zero or more statements. Each statement begins with a keyword (var, set, output or text).

•        text statements result in a text message being displayed on the screen. The text message can be either a single word, or a quoted string. The following are examples of legal text statements text Hello

text “Hello World”


•        output statements result in a number being displayed on the screen. The number displayed is the result of evaluating any legal Blip expression. For now, Blip only supports integer variables, and so only integer values can be displayed. The following are examples of output statements. For more information on Blip expressions, see below

output 42 output + 1 1 output * x x output + * x x * y y


•        var statements initialize a new variable. If a var statement specifies a variable that already exists, then Blip must generate a warning (not an error), with the text,

“variable <varName incorrectly re-initialized”, where <VarName is the variable’s name. Regardless of whether the warning message is created, the result of a var statement is to ensure that there is a variable in the Blip internal memory with the specified value. The variable must be set to the value of a legal Blip expression. The syntax is: “var <varName <expr”. The following are examples of legal var expressions var x 42 var y + x 1


•        set statements are just like var statements, except a set statement should be used to re-assign a new value to an existing variable. As such, if a set statement specifies a variable that does not already exist, then Blip must generate a warning (not an error) with the text, “variable <varName not declared”. Regardless of whether the warning message is created, the result of a set statement is to ensure that there is a variable in the Blip internal memory with the specified value. The following are examples of legal set expressions set x 42

set x + x 1


Blip programs do not have to have only a single statement on a line, in fact, line breaks don’t really matter to Blip (nor do tabs or spaces). Additionally, Blip programs can have comments between statements (but not in the middle of a statement). For example, the following is correct Blip text “Hello, and welcome to Blip” // first line var x 0

// set x to (5 + 3) * (x – 1) set x


+ 5 3

- x 1


A comment is marked by // and continues to the end of the current line. Note that the following statement is illegal in Blip, since we can’t have comments in the middle of a statement output + // two terms in this expression

* 5 3 // 5 * 3 is the first term

- 10 7 // 10 – 7 is the second term

Variables and the Blip memory: To implement variables, you will need to have a symbol table. A symbol table is like a little database that keeps track of the values of all the variables in your program. You should choose a reasonable data structure for your symbol table – one that will scale to potentially very large number of variables. It is not necessary to explicitly model memory (i.e., addresses and memory locations and things like that). However, you will need to implement some way of knowing that variable x was set to 42. How you implement this is up to you.


Blip Expressions: Blip has a fairly rich set of C-like integer operators, but has a distinctly non-C expression syntax. The reason for the odd syntax is so that Blip is easy to parse. Perhaps the easiest-to-parse languages are those that use prefix    expression    syntax, so that’s what Blip uses. For example, instead of writing 2 + 2 (infix expressions), we write “+ 2 2” in Blip. The order for the arguments is important for non-commutative operations, so, for example, the Blip expression / 10 5 will evaluate to 2 (10 / 5 is 2). The complete list of operators that you must support are:


Binary math operators: +, -, *, /, %

Binary logic operators: &&, ||

Comparison Operators: <, , ==, !=, <=, =

Unary Operators: !, ~


Note that for logic operations, we use the C conventions for integer values. Any value other than zero is “true”, and zero is false. When evaluating an expression that produces a logical value (e.g., && or <=), you must evaluate true expressions to 1 and false expressions to zero. So… && 5 42 evaluates to 1

+ && 6 12 10 evaluates to 11


Note that we are not implementing the bit-wise logic at this time. Please implement ~ as arithmetic negation (i.e., ~ 5 is really -5).


PLEASE NOTE: in Blip there must be at least one space (or tab or newline) between each operator and operand. For example “~5” is an error. “~ 5” is the correct way to write -5 in Blip.


Input.cpp, Parse.h and Blip Syntax assistance: The only starter code you will receive for this project is the Input.cpp file and the corresponding Parse.h. You are free to modify these files in any way, and are ultimately responsible for any errors that might be present in these files. The purpose of Input.cpp is to help you read a Blip program from a file. Input.cpp contains functions that open and read characters from a file and bundle those characters together to create tokens. A Token is the atomic input unit for a programming language. In Blip the following tokens are defined

•        NUMBER any number, note BLIP numbers are always positive integers

•        SYMBOL any of the standard BLIP operators (e.g., +, *, ~) or the // comment marker

•        NAME anything else, for example the keyword “set” in Blip is captured by Input.cpp as a NAME token.

•        END is actually not a token, but represents the end of the input file. When you see the END token, you have read the entire input.


You read tokens from the input file by using the read_next_token() function. Note that read_next_token() does not return anything. Instead, the read_next_token sets global variables that describe the input token. These global variables are:

•        next_token_type – an enumerated value that will be set to one of the symbolic constants, NUMBER, SYMBOL, NAME or END depending on the type of token last read

•        token_number_value – an integer that represents the numeric value if (and only if) the token is type NUMBER. For example, if the next token on input is the characters “42”, then read_next_token() will set next_token_type to NUMBER and will set token_number_value to 42


The actual text of a token is always available to you if you call the function next_token(). This function returns a const char* pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the actual text for the token. You will need to use this text when the token type is NAME.


Input.cpp has a function to assist you with comments. When you are reading a Blip program, spaces, tabs and new lines are typically ignored (read_next_token takes care of this for you). However, if you encounter a // as the first token in a new Blip statement (recall that comments can only occur between Blip statements, not in the middle of a statements), then you need to ignore everything until the end of the current line. The function skip_line() will ignore all the remaining characters on whatever the current line is in the input file.


Finally, input.cpp has a function to set/change the file that characters are being read from. During testing, you will want to open several small Blip programs and read their input. By invoking the function set_input_file(<filename) you can instruct Input.cpp to start reading from that file. 


To actually run blip, please write your own ‘run()’ function that will read and execute the blip program. Then include run() in your main. For example, if we want our main to run test1.blip, and test2.blip, then our main.cpp looks a little like this:


cout << "Test 1" << endl; set_input("test1.blip"); run();


cout << endl << endl << "Test 2" << endl; set_input("test2.blip");  run();






Before submitting, please change your main to the following:


int main(void){





set_input will use the ‘test_grader.blip’ file (you can rename test1.blip as test_grader.blip to check your main submission is correct), and run()will read and execute your blip program.


Design and Implementation Advice

Data Structures I recommend that you build your Phase A project using at least two major data structures. The first data structure will be the symbol table. The symbol table will be the “database” that stores all of the Blip variables and remembers what value    those variables have been set to. While it is possible to implement the symbol table using an array (or two), that is really not what we expect from EE312 programming experts! Binary search trees or Maps make excellent data structures for implementing symbol tables.


The second major data structure is somewhat optional for Phase A. Once we introduce loops and functions into our programming language, the Parse Tree becomes a lot less optional, but for Phase A, you really don’t have to have one. A parse tree is a data structure that represents within the computer’s memory the content and structure of a computer program. In other words, the parse tree is the internal representation of a Blip program that you have read. In a real compiler or interpreter, the input programs are read (parsed) in one pass. Then after the entire program has been read, the program will be executed (or translated to machine code). By separating parsing and executing into two distinct phases, we get two important advantages. First, our code is just more modular, and that’s a good thing. Second, if you have a loop or a function, then you can parse the code once (and store the internal representation of that code in your Parse Tree), and then execute that code multiple times without re-parsing it. That ability is essential for loops and functions.


Parse trees are linked data structures (trees, naturally). In my implementation I plan on having two different types of Parse trees. For Phase A, I just have the first type, the Expression Tree. Note that Blip expressions (like C expressions) are naturally recursive things. For example, an add expression “+ A B” is defined as an operator (+) followed by two expressions – A and B can be any expression, even add expressions. So, for example

“+ + 1 3 + 2 4” is a legal Blip expression which means (1 + 3) + (2 + 4). If you build a parse tree to represent this expression, your tree will have at least three nodes (mine has seven nodes). You’ll have one node for each + operator in the expression. At the root of the tree, you have the last + that gets done – this happens to be the + that corresponds to the first + in the original Blip text. The root of the tree has two children, each child is itself a + expression. The left child is “+ 1 3” and the right child is “+ 2 4”. In my parse tree, I choose to represent the numbers as nodes (leaves) in the tree. So I end up with three + nodes and four NUMBER nodes in my parse tree.


Please note that whether you choose to explicitly build a parse tree or not, you will almost certainly have to write your parsing and executing function(s) using recursion. Fortunately, the recursion required to do this is super easy (whether you build a parse tree or not, the recursion is very natural).


Implementing a Parse Tree is optional for Phase A. In Phase B, we will almost certainly mandate that you have a Parse Tree, and for Phase B, the parse trees are decidedly more complicated, since you will have both Expressions to represent and Statements to represent.


Use of Structs, memory leaks and other finer details.  

We strongly encourage you to use structs and to create your own abstract data types as you see fit. Some obvious types you might consider creating are

•        struct Expression – something that represents an expression, for me, an Expression struct is a node in my Expression Tree parse tree

•        struct variable – something that represents the name and current value of a variable
be moderately lax about memory leaks for this project. In Phase A, we won’t check for memory leaks at all. However, for Phase B, your program will need to execute Blip programs with loops, and we’ll run those programs where the loop repeats millions of iterations. Those programs (which will have dozens of Blip statements) must be capable of running in a heap with no more than 1MB of memory. What this means in practice is, you can leave your symbol table and parse trees on the heap and not deallocate them – you can leak the memory in your major data structures, since the amount of memory required to implement those data structures is dependent on the number of statements in the Blip input program file. As long as you don’t continually re- leak memory as Blip statements are executed, you’ll be fine – the total memory consumed by your program must be O(F) where F is the number of statements in the Blip program file and not O(R) where R is the number of statements run by the Blip program. If you do this, then you can leak memory.

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