EE/CSCI 451 Programming Homework 4
Total Points: 50
General Instructions
• You may discuss the algorithms. However, the programs have to be written individually.
• Submit the source code, makefile and a simple report via Blackboard. The report should include the screenshots on the output from HPC. The source codes should be named ‘p1.c’, ‘p2 1.c’, ‘p2 2.c’, ‘p2 3.c’ and ‘p3.c’. Put all the files in a zip file with file name <firstname <uscid phw<programming homework number.zip (do not create an additional folder inside the zip file). For example, alice 123456 phw1.zip should contain only the source codes and the report.
• Your program should be written in C or C++. You can use any operating systems and compilers to develope your program. However, we will test your program on a x86 linux with the latest version of g++ and gcc. Make sure you makefile could compile the executables for all the problems (hint: set multiple targets for the makefile) and the name of the executables are correct. If your program has error when we compile or run your program, you will lose at least 50% of credits.
The “mpi examples” folder includes the source codes used in discussions and a pbs file ‘queue.pbs ’. To run an mpi program, for example, the ‘scatter.c’, follow the steps:
1. login hpc-login3.usc.edu
2. source /usr/usc/openmpi/default/setup.sh
3. Go to your working directory which has ‘job.sl’ and ‘scatter.c’.
4. mpicc -o go scatter.c
5. sbatch job.sl
6. After you get the email saying your job is completed, check ‘mpijob.out’ for output and ‘mpijob.err’ for any possible error.
For more information, you can visit https://hpcc.usc.edu/support/documentation/examples-of-mpi-programs/
1 Pass Message in a Ring [20 points]
Write an MPI program that passes a value around a ring of 4 processes using the following steps.
1. Process 0 initializes Msg = 451 and prints value of Msg
2. Process 0 sends the value of Msg to Process 1
3. Process 1 receives the value of Msg, increases it by 1, prints the value and sends the current value of Msg to Process 2
4. Process 2 receives the value of Msg, increases it by 1, prints the value and sends the current value of Msg to Process 3
5. Process 3 receives the value of Msg, increases it by 1, prints the value and sends the current value of Msg to Process 0
6. Process 0 receives the value of Msg from Process 3 and prints the value
Name this program as ‘p1.c’. Figure 1 illustrates the steps. The output messages look like:
• Process 0: Initially Msg = 451
• Process 1: Msg = 452
• Process 2: Msg = 453
• Process 3: Msg = 454
• Process 0: Received Msg = 454. Done!
Figure 1: Example diagram
2 Add 64 numbers using 4 processes [30 points]
In the “number.txt” file, you can find 64 numbers. Your task is to write an MPI program with 4 processes to compute the sum of these 64 numbers. There are 3 approaches:
1. Approach 1, name this program as p2 1.c:
• Each process reads the entire array.
• Do in parallel: Process 0 computes ]; Process 1 computes ]; Process 2 computes ]; Process 3 computes
• Process 1,2,3 send their partial sum to Process 0.
• Process 0 computes the sum of all the partial sums and prints it out.
2. Approach 2, name this program as p2 2.c:
• Process 0 reads the array
• Process 0 broadcasts the entire array to every process
• Do in parallel: Process 0 computes ]; Process 1 computes ]; Process 2 computes ]; Process 3 computes
• Process 0 uses MPI SUM reduction to sum these partial sums.
• Process 0 prints out the result.
3. Approach 3, name this program as p2 3.c:
• Process 0 reads the array and scatters the entire array to every process using the scatter operation.
• Each process sums up the portion of the array it receives.
• Process 0 uses the gather operation to gather these partial sums, computes the sum of all the partial sums and prints it out.