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Economics7103 Homework 1 -Solved

1. Register for free accounts with GitHub and Overleaf as specified in the homework guidelines. 
2. Download Python via the Anaconda distribution and GitHub desktop as specified in the homework 
3. Complete the GitHub “hello world” exercise: 
4. Complete the Overleaf “hello world” exercise: 
How to create a very basic hello world document using LaTeX 
5. Explore the Spyder introduction videos: 
6. Log onto the IAC VLab and follow this Stata video: 
You can skip hello world exercises if you are familiar with the program. 
Setting up your homework repository 
For homework 1, you will create a homework repository in which you will save all of your homework code 
and output to turn in to me. To do this, you will exactly replicate the files in the sample_code folder in the 
repository I shared with you. This exercise will help you to integrate all of these tools into one automated 
workflow that is reproducible and able to be shared. To do this, follow these steps (there are other, arguably 
better ways to do these things, but I am just sharing what I have found most convenient so far—next year 
these processes will be updated as I learn more!): 
Set up a repository using GitHub desktop. 
1. In GitHub desktop, create a new repository using File, New repository. Name it phdee-2023-XX 
where you replace XX with your own initials. You can create this anywhere on your local system that 
you would like, but I recommend keeping it on Dropbox so everything is backed up (Georgia Tech has 
a free subscription to Dropbox). Check the box to initialize the repository with a readme. This will 
create a folder called phdee-2023-XX on your computer. 
2. In your repository, create a subfolder called homework1. Within that subfolder, create two subfolders: 
one for code called code and one for TeX and image output called output. 
Now, copy my Python script from the phdee-2023-homework/sample_code/code 
folder, run it in Spyder, and push the script and output to GitHub: 
1. Open up Spyder in Anaconda. Create a new Python script copying the sample code contained in in the repository I shared with you. Save your script in your code folder. 
12. Edit the directory path outputpath so that they match the path to the output subfolder you created. 
3. Save your .py script in your code subfolder. 
4. Run the .py code (and fix any errors if necessary). In your output folder, you should have two .tex 
files and two .pdf files. 
5. In GitHub desktop, commit these changes to the main branch. Then publish your repository to GitHub. 
You now have saved a record of your code and your output to GitHub. Next, you will run the sample Stata 
code and push the script and output to GitHub: 
1. Open up Stata in the VLab. Create a new .do file by copying the sample code contained in 
that I shared with you. 
2. Edit the directory paths and uncomment line 22 if you are working on the VLab. 
3. Run the .do file and resolve any errors if necessary. In your output folder, you should have two .tex 
files, one .txt file, and two .pdf files. 
4. Upload your final code and output files to your GitHub directory. In GitHub desktop, push these 
changes to GitHub. 
Next, you will replicate the main.tex and Homework_sample.pdf file using Overleaf: 
1. From the Overleaf main page, click new project and use the option to start a blank project for your 
2. In Overleaf, create a new .tex file and copy and paste the text from my phdee-2023-homework/ 
sample_code/output/main.tex file in the sample_code/output folder. Click the green button to 
compile it. 
3. You will notice some errors or warnings in the paper icon next to the compile button. One of 
the errors is that you need to include a bibliography file to use with natbib. Create in your out
put folder a file called sampleref.bib and copy and paste the content from phdee-2023-homework/ 
sample_code/output/sampleref.bib to create the file. 
4. Recompile your main file and fix any errors or warnings until you have an error-free pdf. 
5. You have the option to link your Overleaf account to Dropbox and to GitHub. If you choose to link 
to Dropbox, you can output your files directly from Stata and Python to Overleaf, automating any 
file uploads. If you link with GitHub, you can automatically commit your writing to a repository to 
archive it for yourself or even publicly! This is not required for class. 
6. Finally, from Overleaf, download the .pdf file you have created and all .tex files. Save them in your 

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