ECGR 3180
Assignment 3
1. (40 pts) Fill in the functions for the code snippet below. The functions will implement an integer stack using deques only. Try to implement it using only one deque, but a solution with two deques will also be accepted. You may add additional public helper functions or private members/functions. Do not submit your test code (main() function), but your functions need to account for test cases (e.g. pop when the stack is empty, etc).
What is the Big-Oh O() time for your implementation of the functions push() and pop() below? Assume there are n elements in stack.
The list of available options for a deque is available at: http://cplusplus.com/reference/deque/deque/ Your MyStack class will be instantiated via a pointer and called as shown below:
MyStack *ptr = new MyStack(); ptr-push(value); int pop1 = ptr-pop(); int pop2 = ptr-pop();
bool isEmpty = ptr-empty();
Name the file you submit MyStackDeque.cpp
class MyStack { public:
// Default Constructor
MyStack() {// ... }
// Push integer n onto top of stack void push(int n) {// ... }
// Pop element on top of stack int pop() {// ... }
// Get the top element but do not pop it (peek at top of stack) int top() {// ... }
// Return whether the stack is empty or not bool empty() {// ... } };
2. (10 pts) Implement the MyStack class in Problem 1 using vectors. Name the file you submit
3. (50 pts) Fill in the functions for the code snippet below. The functions will implement an integer list using a dynamic array only (an array that can grow and shrink as needed, uses a pointer and size of array.) For more information: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-do-dynamic-arrays-work/ You may add additional public helper functions or private members/functions.
Do not submit your test code (main() function), but your functions need to account for test cases (e.g. pop when the list is empty, etc).
Your MyList class will be instantiated via a pointer and called similar to the code in Problem 1. Name the file you submit MyListDyn.cpp
class MyList { public:
// Default Constructor
MyList() {// ... }
// Push integer n onto the end of the list void push_back(int n) {// ... }
// Push integer n onto the beginning of the list void push_front(int n) {// ... }
// Pop element at the end of list int pop_back() {// ... }
// Pop element at the beginning of list int pop_front() {// ... }
// Adds value at index pos. Indices start at 0 void emplace(int pos, int value) {// ... }
// Return whether the list is empty or not bool empty() {// ... } };