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ECGR 3180 Assignment 2 Solved

ECGR 3180
Assignment 2


1.     (60 pts) Write code to implement the Karatsuba multiplication algorithm in the file linked in Assignment 2 (karatsuba.cpp) in Canvas (please do not rename file or use cout/cin statements in your solution). As a reminder, the algorithm uses recursion to produce the results, so make sure you implement it as a recursive function. Please develop your code in small  

The test program (karatsuba_test.cpp) is also given. PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY THE TEST FILE.  Upload only the completed karatsuba.cpp file. Make sure to double-check that you uploaded the correct file. 


2.     (20 pts) Write code for a function int sumDigits (int num) that will return the sum of the digits in an integer argument using recursion. The function must work for any integer entered. In main(), write a list of test cases (1 test per test case) and add comments for each test detailing what is being tested. Upload a single file named main.cpp with your code for sumDigits and main. 


3.     (12 pts) Programs A and B are analyzed and found to have worst-case running times no greater than   and  , respectively. Answer the following questions: 

a)     Which program has the better guarantee on the running time for large values of N (N 10,000)? 

b)     Which program has the better guarantee on the running time for small values of N (N < 100)? 

c)     Which program will run faster on average for N = 1000? 


4.     (8 pts) Solve the following recurrence relations using the Master theorem. a)  



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