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ECE590-Project 4 Solved


1 Problem Statement                                                                                                                                                                          1

1.1 ED Function                                                                                                                                                                                          1

1.2 Formatting the Edit Output                                                                                                                                                        2

2 Provided Tests                                                                                                                                                                                     2

2.1 Test Cases                                                                                                                                                                                              2

2.2 Genomes and Strings                                                                                                                                                                      3

3 Submission                                                                                                                                                                                             4

4 Pair Programming                                                                                                                                                                            4

5 Style Points                                                                                                                                                                                             4


1             Problem Statement
Your primary task in this project is to implement the function ED in so that it correctly performs the Edit Distance algorithm using dynamic programming.

1.1           ED Function
The function ED will take in two strings, src and dest, and return two outputs:

•    The number of edits required to convert src into dest, where edits can be insertions, deletions, or substitutions.

•    The list of edits to perform. This list must have a very specific format, discussed below.

You are required to implement a dynamic programming approach to this problem, and then reconstruct an optimal set of edits using your DP table. You may set up the table in any acceptable fashion and fill the table in any acceptable order. While there may be more than one optimal set of edits, your function is only required to return one of them.

Hint: carefully watch the indices you use for the edits (see below for discussion of formatting).

Note: the ED function takes in an optional input prob. See the discussion of the provided tests for what to do with this input.

1.2           Formatting the Edit Output
The format of the edits output by the ED must follow a few specific guidelines:

•     The output should be a list of edits.

•     The edits should be provided in order starting from the end of the string.

•     Each edit in the list should be a 3-tuple, with components:

0.    One of the following strings: ‘insert’, ‘delete’, ‘sub’, ‘match’.

1.    The char to be inserted, deleted, substituted, or matched (for substitution, notethat the letter should be the new letter that replaces the old one).

2.    The index of this edit/match in the original string.

As an example, consider the case where src = spam and dest = pims. An optimal set of edits would be to insert the ‘s’ at the end, match the ‘m’, replace the ‘a’ with the ‘i’, match the ‘p’, and delete the ‘s’ at the beginning. This would be encoded as the list:

[ (‘insert’, ‘s’, 4), (‘match’, ‘m’, 3), (‘sub’, ‘i’, 2), (‘match’, ‘p’, 1), (‘delete’, ‘s’, 0) ]

Another example is src = libate and dest = flub. An optimal set of edits would be to delete the ‘e’, delete the ‘t’, delete the ‘a’, match the ‘b’, replace the ‘i’ with ‘u’, match the ‘l’, and insert an ‘f’. This would be encoded as the list:

[ (‘delete’, ‘e’, 5), (‘delete’, ‘t’, 4), (‘delete’, ‘a’, 3), (‘match’, ‘b’, 2),

(‘sub’, ‘u’, 1), (‘match’, ‘l’, 0), (‘insert’, ‘f’, 0) ]

2             Provided Tests
2.1           Test Cases
A number of simple tests have been provided in the edTests function in the file. The tests are:

1.    ‘spam’ to ‘pims’         3. ‘’ to ‘abc’

2.    ‘libate’ to ‘flub’          4. ‘abc’ to ‘’

5. ‘aaa’ to ‘bbb’

The first two tests are simple examples we saw in class. The last three tests are meant to provide special cases for your function to consider: all insertions, all deletions, and all substitutions. These should help identify specific bugs in your algorithm.

Note that the edTests function is called in the main function of If you set its verbosity input to True, it will print more informative information beyond simply whether the tests passed or failed.

You should also note the makeEdits function in that takes in a source string and a list of properly formatted edits, and actually performs the edits. This is how your output will be tested.

2.2           Genomes and Strings
There are four other functions included in the file that involve a few interesting uses of the edit distance function. Two of these functions are simple helper functions: getRandGenomes will return two random strings made up of chars ‘A’, ‘G’, ‘T’, ‘C’; getRandStrings will return two random strings made up of the 26 chars of the English alphabet.

The other two functions, compareGenomes and compareRandStrings perform some more interesting tasks. They each perform some number of trials (input into the functions), where they generate two random strings for each trial and calculate the edit distance. They track the average edit distance and report the results.

The main function of calls both of these functions to perform 30 trials with strings of length 300, and prints the results. For these tests, you should see that the genomes give an average error around 0.54, while the random strings give an average error around 0.9.

Now, as you might hope, this topic of average edit distance has been studied. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find a good resource examining our more standard edit distance problem. But, I have found a resource for a closely related problem, approximate string matching (ASM)[1].

For the ASM problem, we ignore any insertions that would need to occur to the left of the first edit. This means that the only difference between ASM and ED is in one of the base cases: the first row of the table should be filled with 0s for the ASM problem.

You should alter your ED function: when the optional input prob is set to ‘ASM’, your function should fill the first row of the table with 0s at the start of the algorithm.


Without going into too much detail, the approximation for the error in ASM is 1 − 1/ σ, where σ is the number of characters in the alphabet. For our genome tests, this would be 1/2, and for the random strings of English characters, this would be about 0.8. The main function of will run the necessary tests and print these values as well.

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