Introduction to Deep Learning
Homework Assignment 4
Problem (Build LeNet for colorful image classification). In this problem, you are asked to train and test a neural network for entire CIFAR‐10 colorful image dataset. Some information of the network is as follows:
• Its structure is modified LeNet. You can check the 4th slide in Lecture 10 for details.
• An incomplete code has been given. You can fill it or re‐write all the codes by yourself.
Performance Requirement and Submission:
• The test accuracy should achieve above 50%
• You need to submit three results: 1) network without dropout/batch normalization, 2) network with one additional dropout layer and 3) network with one additional batch normalization. Compare the results in your submission.
• Submission should include your source codes and screen snapshot of your train and test accuracy, plus the training time
Suggestion for hyperparameter setting (not necessary to follow): Check the default setting in the code. You are allowed to change them
About dataset loading: Check the default setting in the code. You are allowed to change them
Reminding: You can check PyTorch torch.nn to find the packed Batch Normalization and Dropout layer if you would like to use.