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ECE563- Microprocessor Architecture: Project #3 Solved


The goal of this project is to design and implement a cache simulator (level-1 cache only).

Code organization
The project3_code.tar.gz archive contains the C++ code templates for the simulator, as well as test cases to validate its operation.

In order to extract the code in a Linux environment, you can invoke the following command:

tar –xzvf project3_code.tar.gz

This will create a project3_code folder containing the following:      

h/ code templates for the cache simulator. These are the only files that you need to modify to implement the simulator.
testcases: test cases to validate the operation of the L1 cache simulator. This folder contains six test cases (testcase0-5). For each of them, you will find two files: cc and testcaseN.out. The former contains the test case implementation, and the latter the expected output of the test case. You should not modify any of the test case files.
Makefile: Makefile to be used to compile the code. The use of this Makefile will cause an object file (.o) to be created for each C++ file that is part of the project. If the compilation succeeds, the binaries corresponding to the test cases will be generated in the bin You don’t need to modify the Makefile.
traces: memory access traces used by the test cases. t is a short synthetic trace to help you debug your code (and is used in testcase0). GCC.t, MCF.t and LBM.t are significantly longer memory access traces from real applications from the SPEC2006 benchmark suite (, and they are used in testcase1-5.
bin: once you compile the code, the test case binaries will be saved into this folder.
The cache.h header file is commented and contains details on the functions/methods that you need to implement. Be sure to read the comments in this header file before you start coding.

Assumptions & Requirements
The tool should allow simulating an L1 cache with configurable capacity, cache line size, associativity, write hit and write miss policies, hit time and miss penalty. In addition, the width of the memory addresses should also be configurable. All these parameters can be set through the cache constructor:
cache(unsigned cache_size,                      // cache size (in bytes)               unsigned cache_associativity,     // cache associativity               unsigned cache_line_size,         // cache block size (in bytes)               write_policy_t write_hit_policy,  // write-back or write-through               write_policy_t write_miss_policy, // write-allocate or no-write-allocate               unsigned cache_hit_time,          // cache hit time (in clock cycles)               unsigned cache_miss_penalty,      // cache miss penalty (in clock cycles)               unsigned address_width            // number of bits in memory address         );

The simulator does not need to support fully associative caches.
The simulated cache should use the LRU replacement policy.
The cache simulator should simulate cache read and write accesses. The trace files in the traces folder contain the sequences of memory accesses that must be simulated. Each line of the trace files has the following syntax:
<r|w> <memory address>

where r and w represent read and write operations, respectively.

For convenience, the parser is already included in the run function. The only modification to this function that is required is the insertion of invocations of the read and write functions.

In addition to the read and write functions, you must implement the following methods:print_configurationoutputs the configuration of the cache simulator (cache size, associativity, cache line size, write hit and miss policies, cache hit time and miss penalty, and memory address width). An example output is shown below (please use the same format).
CACHE CONFIGURATION size = 32 KB associativity = 4-way cache line size = 32 B write hit policy = write-back write miss policy = write-allocate cache hit time = 5 CLK cache miss penalty = 100 CLK memory address width = 48 bits

print_statistics outputs the statistics collected during the processing of a memory access trace
(number of memory accesses, number of read/write accesses and read/write misses, number of cache evictions, number of memory writes and average memory access time). An example output is shown below (please use the same format).


memory accesses = 2000000 read = 1251647 read misses = 21142 write = 748353 write misses = 12659 evictions = 33289 memory writes = 30005

average memory access time = 6.69005

print_tag_array prints the index, the dirty bit (when applicable) and the tag of the valid cache entries. Please use the format of the example below:

index dirty         tag      20     1  0x574fbe187

52     1  0x574f4e930

54     1  0x574f4e930

58     1  0x574f4e930

66     1  0x574fbe33a

82     1  0x574fc0362

104     1  0x574fc0c49

106     1  0x574fc0c49

150     0  0x574fc0c49

154     1  0x574fbe2f5

170     0  0x574fc0c49

172     0  0x574fc0c49

220     1  0x574fc04a1 BLOCKS 1

index dirty         tag      52     1  0x584f4e930

54     1  0x584f4e930

58     1  0x604f4e930 BLOCKS 2

index dirty         tag BLOCKS 3   index dirty         tag

In the format above, the index field is 7-character wide, the dirty-bit field is 6-character wide, and the tag field is 4-character wider than the tag (in hexadecimal format). You can use the setw function to set the width of the various fields. For example:

cout << setfill(' ') << setw(7) << "index" << setw(6) << "dirty" << setw(4+tag_bits/4) << "tag" << endl;


[ECE563 students only] Complete the multiply and block-multiply functions in the file.

The output of these functions is a trace with the sequence of memory accesses generated by two matrix multiplication codes: a naïve and a cache-friendly implementation using blocking. Note that the code comments in the file provide all the details, including the pseudocode of the two matrix multiplication codes and the memory layout. As indicated, the trace generated should include only data accesses to the three matrices (you can ignore instruction accesses and all loop iterator variables). Note: the content of the matrices is irrelevant to this problem.


Your report should be no longer than 5 pages (11 pt. Times New Roman font), including figures. For ECE463 students, the report should contain an analysis of the cache behavior of GCC (trace GCC.t). For ECE563 students, the report should contain an analysis of the cache behavior of the matrix multiplication code. More details on the analysis to be performed are provided below. For this project, you do not need to include a description of your code in the report. The report should cover the following aspects:

[ECE463 students] Analysis of the miss rate of GCC (i.e., t trace) when varying the cache size, associativity, block size and write-hit/miss policies. In particular, your analysis should cover the following settings: (i) cache size: 16KB, 32KB, 64KB, 256KB; (ii) cache associativity: 1-way, 2-way, 4-way, 8-way, 16-way; (iii) block size: 32B, 64B, 128B, 256B, (iv) write-back/write-allocate and write-through/no-writeallocate write hit/miss policy combinations. When you analyze the impact of the cache size on the miss rate, you should fix the write-hit and write-miss policies, the associativity and block size (to a couple of relevant values), and vary the cache size. You should then plot the results in a chart with the cache size on the x-axis, the miss rate on the y-axis, and a data series for each relevant (associativity, block size) setting. You can draw two different charts for write-back/write-allocate and write-through/no-write-allocate policies. Similar charts should be plotted when analyzing the effect of the cache associativity and block size on the miss rate. You should include in your report a discussion of the results. Based on the results of your experiments, provide an estimate of the working set size of GCC.
[ECE563 students] Perform experiments to evaluate the cache behavior of the matrix multiplication code (both naïve and cache-friendly implementation). For the cache-friendly implementation, set the block-size parameter of the matrix multiplication code to a reasonable value based on the cache settings (that value will vary across experiments). In the experiments, consider: (i) cache size: 16KB, 32KB, 64KB; (ii) cache associativity: 1-way, 2-way, 4-way, 16-way; (iii) block size: 32B, 64B, 128B, 256B, (iv) write-back/writeallocate policy, (v) n=128 (for matrix generation). While your simulator does not need to support fully associative caches, you can assume that a 16-way cache approximates the behavior of a fully associative cache. Plot charts like the ones described above for ECE463 students and discuss the results.
Tip to make data collection fast: As indicated above, the analysis requires you to perform a number of experiments with different cache size, associativity and block size configurations. The fastest way to collect the results is to write a test case that runs the experiments one after the other. For example, have a look at the code of test cases 4 and 5. Test case 4 includes a loop to test several cache associativity settings, and test case 5 includes a loop to go through multiple cache block sizes. You can write your scripts by copying/pasting&modifying these test case files. You can then add the “miss rate” to the values printed out at the end of each simulation. You can use the cat and awk utilities to quickly extract the values you are looking for from the output files. For example, say that I want to find all the values associated to “read misses” in the testcase5.out file.

>> cat testcase5.out | grep "read misses"  read misses = 34938 read misses = 34938 read misses = 37014 read misses = 52701

>> cat testcase5.out | grep "read misses" | awk '{print $4}'





You don’t need to add an access latency and power analysis to your report. However, if you are interested in seeing how the cache configuration affects the cache hit time and energy consumption, you can use CACTI:

As mentioned above, the compilation process generates a separate binary for each test case in the testcases folder. To execute testcaseX, you can invoke:


To check if your output is correct, you can compare it with file testcaseX.out in the testcases folder. On Linux, you can use the diff utility to do so.

For example, you can invoke

./bin/testcaseX > my_output diff my_output testcases/testcaseX.out

The first command will run the test case and save its output into my_output. The second command will compare your output with the reference output line-by-line.

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