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ECE532-Homework 4 Histogram Thresholding Solved

Write a computer program to threshold a grayscale image to obtain a bi-level image. Write your

own code for the steps of the algorithm; don't use existing thæsholding-JVlated functions. Use

Kittler and Illingworth's Kullback information minimization approach. You do not have to apply

the correction terms for tail truncation. Here's a possible command-line user interface:


thresh I-t T] infile outfile

T: user-specified threshold; € T 255;

default: T is automatically computed using Kittler's method

infile: the input grayscale image

outfile: the output bi-level image


If a fixed threshold is not specified, then it is automatically

computed by minimizing the Kullback information measure .

Specifically, the image is thresholded as follows:

= 255 if X[n] T

= if x [n] < T

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