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ECE39595 Homework 3 Solution

In the HW3Assigned directory there is a subdirectory call userid, which you should rename your userid. Inside that directory is a Makefile and come C++ code that doesn’t compile. This homework will have three steps, which you will perform by editing the code in userid. You will turn in the final code.
Step 1: get the program to compile
Enable all functions to be callable as virtual functions.
Any other changes you need to make to get the desired output (see below).
Step 3: Convert the program to use no pointers and no new operations.
Make as many parameters const as possible. Use reference parameters whenever possible.
What to turn in:
Put your final code, after completing step three, into a directory called userid, where userid is your Purdue userid. Include either the Makefile I provided or another Makefile to compile and run the program.
Correct output for the program:
When running the program after steps 2 and 3 the output should be as seen below.
add1: 1281 Gruene Rd
78130 add2: 801 Bldg
Yorktown Heights

Employee1: Employee, Jerry Jeff Walker, 78130
Employee2: Employee, Fran Allen, 10598

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