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ECE3544 Homework 3 Solution

// Filename: problem1.v // Author:
// Version:
// Description:

module problem1_YOURPID(vote, majority); input [4:0] vote; output majority;



This is important!

00000 0
00001 0
00010 0
00011 0
00100 0
00101 0
00110 0
00111 1
01000 0
01001 0
01010 0
01011 1
01100 0
01101 1
01110 1
01111 1
10000 0
10001 0
10010 0
10011 1
10100 0
10101 1
10110 1
10111 1
11000 0
11001 1
11010 1
11011 1
11100 1
11101 1
11110 1
11111 1

AB/CDE 000 001 011 010 100 101 111 110
00 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
01 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1
11 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
10 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1

F = AB + ABC + CDE + BCE + BCD + ACE + ACD + BC’DE + AC’DE
and(Y, A, B); or(Y, A, B);

Helpful Hints for Writing Test Benches as Procedures

The Verilog code shown below represents one way to write a test bench. Here are some very important teaching points:

• The circuit represented by problem1 is the one that we want to test.
• In a test bench, an input port of the design under test is generally typed as a reg, since the inputs are the values targeted by the procedure used to generate the input cases. If a value is the target of a procedure, it must be typed as a reg.
• In a test bench, an output port of the design under test is generally typed as a wire.
• Note that the WHILE-loop is contained in a procedural block – specifically, an initial block. Structures such as IF-statements, CASE statements, FOR-loops and WHILE-loops must be contained in procedures such as initial blocks and always blocks.
• Procedures represented by initial blocks are not generally synthesizable, but since a test bench is not meant to be synthesizable, the initial block provides us with the means to sequence an input test set starting at simulation time t = 0.
• #20 represents a time delay of 20 time steps (usually nanoseconds). The presence of delays prevents the procedure from executing in zero-time. Delays are not synthesizable, but are appropriate for use in test benches for simulation purposes.

// Time Unit = 1 ns (#1 means 1 ns)
// Simulation Precision = 1 ns
`timescale 1ns/1ns

// Filename: tb_problem1.v
// Author: Jason Thweatt
// Version: 1
// Description: This file contains a test bench for a 5 input circuit.
// It uses a WHILE loop in an initial block to apply all // combinations of the inputs for a period of 20 ns each.

module tb_problem1_while();

reg [4:0] ins; wire outs; reg [4:0] count;

problem1 dut(ins, outs);

initial begin count = 0;
while(count < 32) begin ins = count; #20;
count = count + 1; end end

Problem 2 (5 points)
Explain why the test bench described above will execute forever. Write a working alternative that uses a WHILEloop.
The largest number counter can hold is 31 as it is a 5-bit binary number with range 0-31. There for counter will always be less than 32, thus the while loop will loop forever.

// Simulation Precision = 1 ns
`timescale 1ns/1ns

// Filename: tb_problem1.v
// Author: Jason Thweatt
// Version: 1
// Description: This file contains a test bench for a 5 input circuit.
// It uses a WHILE loop in an initial block to apply all // combinations of the inputs for a period of 20 ns each.

module tb_problem1_while();

reg [4:0] ins; wire outs; reg [5:0] count;

problem1 dut(ins, outs);

initial begin count = 0;
while(count < 32) begin ins = count; #20;
count = count + 1; end end endmodule

Problem 3 (5 points)
The WHILE-loop structure of the test bench in Problem 2 is essentially a dressed-up version of a FOR-loop. Bearing in mind the deficiency contained in the existing code, rewrite the test bench of Problem 2 as a working FOR-loop.

// Insert your header here, using Problem 1 as an example.

module tb_problem1_for();

// Simulation Precision = 1 ns
`timescale 1ns/1ns

// Filename: tb_problem1.v
// Author: Jason Thweatt
// Version: 1
// Description: This file contains a test bench for a 5 input circuit.
// It uses a WHILE loop in an initial block to apply all // combinations of the inputs for a period of 20 ns each.

module tb_problem1_while();

reg [4:0] ins; wire outs; reg [5:0] count;

problem1 dut(ins, outs);

initial begin count = 0;
for(count = 0; count < 32; count = count + 1) begin ins = count; #20; end end

Problem 4 (10 points)

// Insert your header here, using Problem 1 as an example.

module problem4_YOURPID(vote, majority); input [4:0] vote; output majority;



AB/CDE 000 001 011 010 100 101 111 110
00 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
01 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1
11 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
10 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1

majority =
(vote[2]&vote[3]&vote[4]) | (vote[1]&vote[3]&vote[4]) |
(vote[1]&vote[2]&vote[4]) |
(vote[0]&vote[3]&vote[4]) |
(vote[0]&vote[2]&vote[4]) |
(vote[0]&vote[2]&vote[3]) |
(vote[0]&vote[1]&vote[4]) |
(vote[0]&vote[1]&vote[3]) |


Problem 5 (10 points)

Follow the instructions provided for creating a project in ModelSim and performing the simulation.

This is important!

Creating an efficient strategy for simulation is important. For this problem, you should be able to simulate both circuits in the same test bench, as long as you do the following:

- Make sure to place an instance of each module you want to simulate into the test bench.
- The two module instances use the same “input probes” but each one has to have its own “output probe.” You will need to change the wire declaration of your test bench accordingly.
Problem 1

Problem 4

Helpful Hints for Writing Seven-Segment Display Drivers

A seven-segment display is often used to display characters. For the seven-segment displays on your DE1-SoC board, each of the segment outputs is ON when logic-0 is applied to it and is OFF when logic-1 is applied to it.

The diagram below shows the interface between our FPGA and one of the seven segment displays that the board is capable of driving. The segments are labeled 0 to 6. (Ignore the decimal point DP.) The labels indicate the position that each driver value has in a seven-bit vector.

If we wanted the display to show characters that correspond to the hexadecimal digits, they might appear as follows:

Problem 6 (15 points)
Write a Verilog model for a circuit that accepts a four-bit input representing an unsigned binary value and produces an output that drives the seven-segment display to show the corresponding hexadecimal digit. In this problem, use continuous assignments with dataflow operators. Make sure that the order of the signals in the vector hex_display corresponds to the order of the driver values shown in the diagram above.

// Insert your header here, using Problem 1 as an example.

module sevensegdecoder_cont_YOURPID(hex_digit, hex_display); input [3:0] hex_digit; output [6:0] hex_display;



0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, A,B,C,D,E,F

A B C D HEX0[0] HEX0[1] HEX0[2] HEX0[3] HEX0[4] HEX0[5] HEX0[6]
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1

HEX0[0] = C’D’ + CD’ + A’B + A’C + BC + AB’C’
AB/CD 00 01 11 10
00 1 0 1 1
01 1 1 1 1
11 1 0 1 1
10 1 1 0 1

HEX0[1] = A’B’ + AC’D + B’C’D + B’C’D’ + A’C’D’ + A’CD + B’CD’
AB/CD 00 01 11 10
00 1 1 1 1
01 1 0 1 0
11 0 1 0 0
10 1 1 0 1

HEX0[2] = A’B + AB’ + C’D + A’C’ + A’D
AB/CD 00 01 11 10
00 1 1 1 0
01 1 1 1 1
11 0 1 0 0
10 1 1 1 1

HEX0[3] = AC’ + BC’D + A’B’D’ + A’B’C + A’CD’ + BCD’ + ABD’
AB/CD 00 01 11 10
00 1 0 1 1
01 0 1 0 1
11 1 1 0 1
10 1 1 1 0

HEX0[4] = AB + CD’ + AC + B’C’D’ + AC’D’
AB/CD 00 01 11 10
00 1 0 0 1
01 0 0 0 1
11 1 1 1 1
10 1 0 1 1

HEX0[5] = C’D’ + AB’ + AC + A’BC’ + BCD’
AB/CD 00 01 11 10
00 1 0 0 0
01 1 1 0 1
11 1 0 1 1
10 1 1 1 1

HEX0[6] = CD’ + AC + AD + BC’ + B’C
AB/CD 00 01 11 10
00 0 0 1 1
01 1 1 0 1
11 1 1 1 1
10 0 1 1 1

Problem 7 (15 points)
Repeat Problem 6 using a procedural model. Employ an always block containing if-statements or a case statement. Make sure that the order of the signals in the vector hex_display corresponds to the order of the driver values shown in the diagram.

// Insert your header here, using Problem 1 as an example.

module sevensegdecoder_proc_YOURPID(hex_digit, hex_display); input [3:0] hex_digit; output [6:0] hex_display;



Problem 8 (10 points)
Use ModelSim to simulate the operation of the circuits you modeled Problems 6 and 7. Remember the guidance provided in Problem 5.

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