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EC440 - Project 3 -Solved

Thread Synchronization 

Project Goals
l  To enable numerous threads to safely interact

l  To extend our threading library with basic synchronization primitives

Project Description
In Project 2 we implemented a basic threading library that enables a developer to create and perform computations in multiple threads. In this Project we are going to extend the library to facilitate communication between threads.

To achieve this, we will need to:

1.    Implement a basic locking mechanism that switches the interactivity of a thread on/off. At certain stages of the execution of a thread, it may be desirable to prevent the thread from being interrupted (for example, when it manipulates global data structures such as the list of running threads). For this, you will need to create two functions: void lock() and void unlock(). Whenever a thread calls lock, it can no longer be interrupted by any other thread. Once it calls unlock, the thread resumes its normal status and will be scheduled whenever an alarm signal is received. Note that a thread is supposed to call unlock only when it has previously performed a lock operation. Moreover, the result of calling lock twice without invoking an intermediate unlock is undefined.

2.    Implement pthread_join POSIX thread function:

int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **value_ptr);

This function will postpone the execution of the thread that initiated the call until the target thread terminates, unless the target thread has already terminated. There is now the need to correctly handle the exit code of threads that terminate. On return from a successful pthread_join call with a non-NULL value_ptr argument, the value passed to pthread_exit by the terminating thread shall be made available in the location referenced by value_ptr

The results of multiple simultaneous calls to pthread_join specifying the same target

thread are undefined.

3.    Add semaphore support to your library. As discussed in class, semaphores can be used to coordinate interactions between multiple threads. You have to implement the following functions (for which you should include semaphore.h):

a. int sem_init(sem_t *sem, int pshared, unsigned value);
This function will initialize an unnamed semaphore referred to by sem. The pshared argument always equals to 0, which means that the semaphore pointed to by sem is shared between threads of the process. Attempting to initialize an already initialized semaphore results in undefined behavior

b.     int sem_wait(sem_t *sem);

sem_wait decrements (locks) the semaphore pointed to by sem. If the semaphore’s value is greater than zero, then the decrement proceeds, and the function returns immediately. If the semaphore currently has the value zero, then the call blocks until it becomes possible to perform the decrement (i.e., the semaphore value rises above zero). For this Project, the value of the semaphore never falls below zero.

c.     int sem_post(sem_t *sem);

sem_post increments (unlocks) the semaphore pointed to by sem. If the semaphore’s value consequently becomes greater than zero, then another thread blocked in a sem_wait call will be woken up and proceeds to lock the semaphore. Note that when a thread is woken up and takes the lock as part of sem_post, the value of the semaphore will remain zero.

d.     int sem_destroy(sem_t *sem);

sem_destroy destroys the semaphore specified at the address pointed to by sem which means that only a semaphore that has been initialized by sem_init should be destroyed using sem_destroy. Destroying a semaphore that other threads are currently blocked on (in sem_wait) produces undefined behavior. Using a semaphore that has been destroyed produces undefined results, until the semaphore has been reinitialized using sem_init.

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