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E5934-Deep Learning: Project 1 Solved

In this project, you will explore the use of image gradients by applying it on the following three tasks:   o Adversarial Attack: “Intriguing properties of neural networks”

Class Visualization: “Deep Inside Convolutional Networks: Visualising Image Classification
Models and Saliency Maps” and “Understanding Neural Networks Through Deep Visualization” o Style Transfer: “Image style transfer using convolutional neural networks”  

Please go through the above reference papers very carefully. You are expected to understand how to accomplish each task using the methods presented in the papers and write code to implement them by completing Project1.ipynb which is available in from LumiNUS.


Export your notebook file Project1.ipynb to an html page and include it in the Project1 folder.
Please make sure that the submitted notebooks have been run and the cell outputs are visible.

Compress the Project1 folder into a zip file and rename it as follows before uploading it to LumiNUS: “”.

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