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Vending Machine

This application simulates a vending machine that dispenses soft drinks.• If the user clicks one of the money deposit buttons, this application adds the amount to the total deposited and updates the display.• If the user clicks the Refund button, this application displays the amount refunded and resets the amount deposited to zero.• If the user clicks a drink button and it is the last drink in stock, this application disables the button for that drink to indicate that it is out of stock.• If the user clicks a drink button, but the user has not deposited enough money, this application displays how much more money needs to be deposited to purchase the drink.• If the user clicks a drink button, and the user has deposited enough money, this application displays a message to enjoy the drink. In addition, if the user has deposited too much money, this application displays how much change is being returned.Specifications• The drinks cost $0.75.• When this application is started, the vending machine has 2 of each drink in stock, and the buttons for all drinks are enabled.You must use The following:
constructor functions for your button events as outlined in Chapter 11
prototype objects
User interface

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