In this assignment the focus is on the following three learning outcomes:
• organize areas of mathematics in DSL terms
• develop adequate notation for mathematical concepts
• discuss and compare different software implementations of mathematical concepts
1.1 DSLs, sets and von Neumann
In this assignment you will build up a domain-specific language (a DSL) for finite sets. The domain you should model is pure set theory where all members are sets.
Define a datatype TERM v for the abstract syntax of set expressions with variables of type v and a datatype PRED v for predicates over pure set expressions.
Part 1. TERM should have constructors for
• the Empty set
• the one-element set constructor Singleton
• Union, and Intersection
– you can also try Powerset
• set-valued variables (Var :: v → TERM v)
PRED should have contructors for
• the two predicates Elem, Subset
• the logical connectives And, Or, Implies, Not
Part 2. A possible semantic domain for pure sets is
newtype Set = S [Set]
Implement the evaluation functions
eval :: Eq v ⇒ Env v Set → TERM v → Set check :: Eq v ⇒ Env v Set → PRED v → Bool
type Env var dom = [(var,dom)]
Note that the type parameter v to TERM is for the type of variables in the set expressions, not the type of elements of the sets. (You can think of pure set theory as “untyped” or “unityped”.)
Part 3. The von Neumann encoding of natural numbers as sets is defined recursively as
vonNeumann 0 = Empty
vonNeumann (n + 1) = Union (vonNeumann n)
(Singleton (vonNeumann n))
Implement vonNeumann and explore, explain and implement the following “pseudocode” claims as functions in Haskell:
claim1 n1 n2 = {- if (n1 6 n2) then (n1 ⊆ n2) -} claim2 n = {- n = {0,1,...,n − 1} -}
You need to insert some embeddings and types and you should use the eval and check functions. (For debugging it is useful to implement a show function for Set which uses numerals to show the von Neumann naturals.)