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DSA Assignment 2- BST, AVL tree, Linked lists Solution

1 Introduction
2 Type of record
The type of a user’s record is given below.
struct record {
/* character string terminated with ’’
* maximum length is 16
*/ char name[MAX_LEN];
/* a character array of 16 characters
* not-necessarily terminated with ’’
* anywhere in the character array
*/ char uid[MAX_LEN]; int age;
/* location */ struct location loc; /* list of posts */ struct list_posts *posts;
/* list of friends */ struct list_records *friends;
/* needed for shortest Path */ int status; struct record *pred;
/* needed for the tree data-structure */ int height; struct record *left; struct record *right; struct record *parent;
The uid field is the key used for the BST and the AVL tree. You can use left and right fields to store the references to left and right subtrees in an AVL or BST node. The height field is used for the AVL tree. The status field is used when a record is not present during search and delete operations. The friends field contains the head of the linked list that stores the references to the records corresponding to a user’s friends. The type of friends is struct list records, as shown below.
struct list_records {
struct record *record; struct list_records *next;
A node of type struct list records stores a reference to struct record and the reference to the next node (using the next field). This can be used to implement the list of friends.
You are not allowed to change struct record or struct list records in your implementation.
5 Library interface
In this assignment, you need to implement a library that implements all the functionalities we discussed above. The user interface for your library is given in the “pa2.h” file. Below is a short description of these interfaces.
get bst root: Return the root of the BST, bst root. This implementation has already been provided. Please don’t change it.
get avl root: Return the root of the AVL tree, avl root. This implementation has already been provided. Please don’t change it. insert record bst: Insert record r in the BST rooted at bst root. insert record avl: Insert record r in the AVL tree rooted at avl root.
search record bst: Search the record corresponding to uid in the BST rooted at bst root. If the record is not present, return a dummy record with −1 in the status field; otherwise, return a copy of the record.
search record avl: Search the record corresponding to uid in the AVL tree rooted at avl root. If the record is not present, return a dummy record with −1 in the status field; otherwise, return a copy of the record.
make friends bst: Make users with uids uid1 and uid2 in the BST rooted at bst root friends of each other if they aren’t already friends. The friends field in “struct record” stores the head of the linked list of friends of a given user. To make the user with record A a friend of the user with record B, add A to B’s list of friends and add B to A’s list of friends. Return 1 if uid1 and uid2 are already friends before this call. Return 0 if they become friends during this call.
make friends avl: Make users with uids uid1 and uid2 in the AVL tree rooted at avl root friends of each other if they aren’t already friends. The friends field in “struct record” stores the head of the linked list of friends of a given user. To make the user with record A a friend of the user with record B, add A to B’s list of friends and add B to A’s list of friends. Return 1 if uid1 and uid2 are already friends before this call. Return 0 if they become friends during this call.
get friends list bst: The friends field in “struct record” stores the head of the linked list of friends of a given user. Return the head of the linked list of friends (i.e., the friends field) of the user with uid uid in the BST rooted at bst root. If the corresponding record doesn’t exist, return NULL.
get friends list avl: The friends field in “struct record” stores the head of the linked list of friends of a given user. Return the head of the linked list of friends (i.e., the friends field) of the user with uid uid in the AVL tree rooted at avl root. If the corresponding record doesn’t exist, return NULL.
delete record bst: Delete record (say n) corresponding to uid from the BST rooted at bst root. Also, remove n from the lists of friends of other records and release the memory for the linked list nodes. Release memory for all the nodes in the list of friends of n. Return a copy of the value of the deleted node. If the node is not present, return a dummy record with −1 in the status field.
delete record avl: Delete record (say n) corresponding to uid from the AVL tree rooted at avl root. Also, remove n from the lists of friends of other records and release the memory for the linked list nodes. Release memory for all the nodes in the list of friends of n. Return a copy of the value of the deleted node. If the node is not present, return a dummy record with −1 in the status field.
get num bst records: Return the total number of records in the BST rooted at bst root.
get num avl records: Return the total number of records in the AVL tree rooted at avl root.
destroy bst: Release memory for all BST nodes and their lists of friends. Make bst root points to an empty tree.
destroy avl: Release memory for all AVL nodes and their lists of friends. Make avl root points to an empty tree.
6 Compilation and running the test cases
Clone the assignment repository using: git clone
Implement everything in the “PA2/pa2.c” file. Don’t change any other files. Use printf to debug your code. Run “make” in the “PA2” folder to compile your library and test cases. There are four test cases. To run the first test cases: use “./test1 10”. It will test your program for ten records. Once your implementation works for small sizes, test and debug it for large sizes. To run the second test for size 10, use “./test2 10”. To run the third test case for size 10, use “./test3 10”. To run the fourth test case for size 10, use “./test4 10”. We will test your implementation for large input sizes. So make sure to test them for large inputs as well. You are not allowed to use malloc and free directly in your library. Use allocate memory and free memory routines provided to you instead of malloc and free.
6.1 How to submit
Sample report file.
The output of make submit1: echo "Compiling test-case 1" Compiling test-case 1 gcc -g -Werror -O3 -L. -Wl,-rpath=. -o test1 test1.c -ldsa -lpa2 -lm
./test1 100000
Creating 100000 uids took 79 ms. adding 100000 records took 31 ms. making 599982 friends took 229 ms. search 100000 records took 25 ms.
Test-case-1 passed
./test1 1000000
Creating 1000000 uids took 1548 ms. adding 1000000 records took 808 ms. making 5999982 friends took 6091 ms. search 1000000 records took 860 ms. Test-case-1 passed
The output of make submit2: echo "Compiling test-case 2" Compiling test-case 2 gcc -g -Werror -O3 -L. -Wl,-rpath=. -o test2 test2.c -ldsa -lpa2 -lm
./test2 100000
Creating 100000 uids took 81 ms. adding 100000 records took 32 ms. making 599982 friends took 237 ms. deleting 50000 records took 465 ms.
Test-case-2 passed
./test2 1000000
Creating 1000000 uids took 1562 ms. adding 1000000 records took 815 ms. making 5999982 friends took 6092 ms. deleting 500000 records took 10456 ms. Test-case-2 passed
The output of make submit3: echo "Compiling test-case 3" Compiling test-case 3 gcc -g -Werror -O3 -L. -Wl,-rpath=. -o test3 test3.c -ldsa -lpa2 -lm
./test3 100000
Creating 100000 uids took 78 ms. adding 100000 records took 32 ms. making 599982 friends took 199 ms. search 100000 records took 23 ms.
Test-case-3 passed
./test3 1000000
Creating 1000000 uids took 1600 ms. adding 1000000 records took 641 ms. making 5999982 friends took 4231 ms. search 1000000 records took 590 ms. Test-case-3 passed
The output of make submit4: echo "Compiling test-case 4" Compiling test-case 4 gcc -g -Werror -O3 -L. -Wl,-rpath=. -o test4 test4.c -ldsa -lpa2 -lm
./test4 100000
Creating 100000 uids took 78 ms. adding 100000 records took 32 ms. making 599982 friends took 197 ms. deleting 50000 records took 455 ms.
Test-case-4 passed
./test4 1000000
Creating 1000000 uids took 1549 ms. adding 1000000 records took 630 ms. making 5999982 friends took 4158 ms. deleting 500000 records took 10068 ms.
Test-case-4 passed

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