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DMET1001–Image Processing Solved

Implement the distance trasnform algorithm given in class. Use your algorithm to find:

1-  The distance between the two ships in the image “Suez Canal.png”

2-  The distance from each ship to both banks of the canal

Your algorithm should take the image as an input and the distance measure to be used (Euclidean Distance, City-block Distance or Chessboard Distance). The function should output the distance transform matrix after the first pass of the algorithm, the final distance transform matrix and the distances indicated above measured relative to the representative point of each ship. You can consider the representative point of the big ship at row number 150 and column number 200, while for the small ship at row number 310 and column number 175. You can use any already implemented functions to do any pre-processing needed before applying the distance trasnform algorithm. However, the distance transform should be implemented from scratch.

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