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Homework Assignment 1: Lexer

In this assignment, you are going to implement two versions of lexer for a small language, “miniJava”: one through manual implementation and the other with the lexer-generation tool, JavaCC. This assignment builds on top of Lab 2. If you have not attended Lab 2 for any reason, please go through its materials first.

Download the zip file "" from D2L. After unzipping, you should see a hw1 directory with the following items:
– hw1.pdf — this document
– mjLexicalRules.pdf — miniJava’s lexical rules
This document provides the base for the lexer implementation. — suggested internal token code for the hand-written lexer
– Lexer0.jj, — sample starting versions for the two lexers
– Makefile — for compiling the lexers
(Usage: "make lexer1", "make lexer2", or just "make" for both)
– runl1, runl2 — two scripts for running the tests
(Usage: "./runl1 tst/*.txt", "./runl2 tst/*.txt")
– tst/ — a set of test inputs (incomplete coverage)
Your Tasks
1. Implementing a lexer using JavaCC. (45 points)
Name your JavaCC lexer program Lexer1.jj. Include the name Lexer1 as the package name in
the header section of the program (see Lexer0.jj):
public class Lexer1 {
2. Implementing a lexer manually. (45 points)
Name your hand-written lexer You are free to organize this program in any way you
see fit, but here is a top-level structure used in Lab 2 lexer programs (see
public class Lexer2 implements mjTokenConstants {
static class LexError extends Exception {
int line;
int column;
static class Token {
int kind; // token code
int line; // line number of token’s first char
int column; // column number of token’s first char
String lexeme; // lexeme string
public static void main(String [] args) {
3. Developing four testing inputs. (10 points)
The provided test inputs, testinput*.txt, cover only correct tokens. Your third task is to develop four new test inputs for testing the four types of lexical errors (see below). Name your files
testerror1.txt — testerror4.txt.
The following are the common requirements for both the hand-written and the JavaCC-generated lexers.
• Recognize all the tokens specified in the file, mjLexicalRules.pdf.
• Display tokens from an input stream in the following format:
– One token per line.
– Each line starts with a pair (linNum,colNum), where the two numbers are the starting line and column numbers of the token. Then, for an ID token, display ID(lexeme);
. for an INTLIT token, display INTLIT(lexeme’s value);
(e.g. for the input sequence, 00123, the display should be INTLIT(123))
. for an STRLIT token, display STRLIT(lexeme);
. for any other token, display lexeme.
– After all tokens are displayed, show one last line: Total: tknCnt tokens.
Exact spacing among items within a line is not required.

Here is an example:
int i = 00023; "Hello World!"
The end.
(1,1) int
(1,5) ID(i)
(1,7) =
(1,9) INTLIT(23)
(1,14) ;
(1,16) STRLIT("Hello World!")
(2,1) ID(The)
(2,5) ID(end)
(2,8) .
Total: 9 tokens
• Detect all lexical errors. For miniJava, there are four possible types of lexical errors:
– illegal characters
– integer overflow
– unterminated strings
– unterminated comments
Your lexers’ error message should indicate the type of lexical error. Optionally, it may provide additional information, such as line and column numbers. (But this is not required.)
Minimum Requirement for Passing The minimum requirement for passing this assignment is that both of your lexers compile on the CS Linux system without error and each can correctly recognize at least one token. By satisfying this requirement, you will secure 10 points on the assignment.

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