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Deep Learning Homework 2- Neural Networks Solution

1 Basic Optimizer
In this course we will implement advanced optimization schemes, but in the first exercise we start with the basic Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD).
Implement the class Sgd in the file “” in folder “Optimization”.
• The Sgd constructor receives the learning rate with data type float.
• Implement the method calculate update(weight tensor, gradient tensor) that returns the updated weights according to the basic gradient descent update scheme.
You can verify your implementation using the provided testsuite by providing the commandline parameter TestOptimizers1.
2 Base Layer
We will realize a small layer oriented Deep Learning framework in this exercise. Layer oriented frameworks represent a higher level of abstraction to their users than graph oriented frameworks. This approach limits flexibility but enables easy experimentation using conventional architectures. Every layer in these architectures has to implement two fundamental operations: forward(input tensor), backward(error tensor). These operations are the basic steps executed during training and testing.
We distinguish between trainable and non-trainable layers. Trainable layers have parameters that are optimized during training (e.g. the Fully Connected Layer, which must be implemented in this task), while non-trainable layers remain fixed (e.g. the ReLU activation function).
Implement a class BaseLayer in the file “” in folder “Layers”.
• This class will be inherited by every layer in our framework. For information on inheritance in python, please refer to here.
• Write a constructor for this class receiving no arguments. In this constructor, initialize

a boolean member trainable with False. This member will be used to distinguish trainable from non-trainable layers.
• Optionally, you can add other members like a default weights parameter, which might come in handy.
3 Fully Connected Layer
The Fully Connected (FC) layer is the theoretic backbone of layer oriented architectures. It performs a linear operation on its input.
Implement a class FullyConnected in the file “” in folder “Layers”, that inherits the base layer that we implemented earlier. This class has to provide the methods forward(input tensor) and backward(error tensor) as well as the property optimizer.

• Write a constructor for this class, receiving the arguments (input size, output size).

First, call its super-constructor. Set the inherited member trainable to True, as this layer has trainable parameters. Initialize the weights of this layer uniformly random in

the range [0,1).
• Implement a method forward(input tensor) which returns a tensor that serves as the input tensor for the next layer. input tensor is a matrix with input size columns and batch size rows. The batch size represents the number of inputs processed simultaneously. The output size is a parameter of the layer specifying the number of columns of the output.
• Add a setter and getter property optimizer which sets and returns the protected member

optimizer for this layer. Properties offer a pythonic way of realizing getters and setters. Please get familiar with this concept if you are not aware of it.
• Implement a method backward(error tensor) which returns a tensor that serves as the error tensor for the previous layer. Quick reminder: in the backward pass we are going in the other direction as in the forward pass.
Hint: if you discover that you need something here which is no longer available to you, think about storing it at the appropriate time.
• To be able to test the gradients with respect to the weights: The member for the weights and biases should be named weights. For future reasons provide a property gradient weights which returns the gradient with respect to the weights, after they have been calculated in the backward-pass. These properties are accessed by the unit tests and are therefore also important to pass the tests!
• Use the method calculate update(weight tensor, gradient tensor) of your optimizer in your backward pass, in order to update your weights. Don’t perform an update if the optimizer is not set.
You can verify your implementation using the provided testsuite by providing the commandline parameter TestFullyConnected1
4 Rectified Linear Unit
The Rectified Linear Unit is the standard activation function in Deep Learning nowadays. It has revolutionized Neural Networks because it reduces the effect of the “vanishing gradient” problem.
Implement a class ReLU in the file “” in folder “Layers”. This class also has to provide the methods forward(input tensor) and backward(error tensor).
• Write a constructor for this class, receiving no arguments. The ReLU does not have

trainable parameters, so you don’t have to change the inherited member trainable.
• Implement a method forward(input tensor) which returns a tensor that serves as the input tensor for the next layer.
• Implement a method backward(error tensor) which returns a tensor that serves as the error tensor for the previous layer. Hint: the same hint as before applies.
You can verify your implementation using the provided testsuite by providing the commandline parameter TestReLU
5 SoftMax Layer
The SoftMax activation function is used to transform the logits (the output of the network) into a probability distribution. Therefore, SoftMax is typically used for classification tasks.
Implement a class SoftMax in the file: “” in folder “Layers”. This class also has to provide the methods forward(input tensor) and backward(error tensor).
• Write a constructor for this class, receiving no arguments.

• Implement a method forward(input tensor) which returns the estimated class probabilities for each row representing an element of the batch.
• Implement a method backward(error tensor) which returns a tensor that serves as the error tensor for the previous layer.
Hint: again the same hint as before applies.
• Remember: Loops are slow in Python. Use NumPy functions instead!
You can verify your implementation using the provided testsuite by providing the commandline parameter TestSoftMax
6 Cross Entropy Loss
The cross entropy Loss is often used in classification task, typically in conjunction with SoftMax (or Sigmoid).
Implement a class CrossEntropyLoss in the file: “” in folder “Optimization”. When forward propagating we now additionally need the argument label tensor for forward(prediction tensor, label tensor) and backward(label tensor). We don’t consider the loss function as a layer like the previous ones in our framework, thus it should not inherit the base layer.
• Write a constructor for this class, receiving no arguments.

• Implement a method forward(prediction tensor, label tensor) which computes the Loss value according the CrossEntropy Loss formula accumulated over the batch.
• Implement a method backward(label tensor) which returns the error tensor for the previous layer. The backpropagation starts here, hence no error tensor is needed.
Instead, we need the label tensor.
Hint: the same hint as before applies.
• Remember: Loops are slow in Python. Use NumPy functions instead!
You can verify your implementation using the provided testsuite by providing the commandline parameter TestCrossEntropyLoss
7 Neural Network Skeleton
The Neural Network defines the whole architecture by containing all its layers from the input to the loss layer. This Network manages the testing and the training, that means it calls all forward methods passing the data from the beginning to the end, as well as the optimization by calling all backward passes afterwards.
Implement a class NeuralNetwork in the file: “” in the same folder as “”.
• Implement five public members. An optimizer object received upon construction as the first argument. A list loss which will contain the loss value for each iteration after calling train. A list layers which will hold the architecture, a member data layer, which will provide input data and labels and a member loss layer referring to the special layer providing loss and prediction. You do not need to care for filling these members with actual values. They will be set within the unit tests.
• Implement a method forward using input from the data layer and passing it through all layers of the network. Note that the data layer provides an input tensor and a label tensor upon calling next() on it. The output of this function should be the output of the last layer (i.e. the loss layer) of the network.
• Implement a method backward starting from the loss layer passing it the label tensor for the current input and propagating it back through the network.
• Implement the method append layer(layer). If the layer is trainable, it makes a deep copy of the neural network’s optimizer and sets it for the layer by using its optimizer property. Both, trainable and non-trainable layers, are then appended to the list layers.
Note: We will implement optimizers that have an internal state in the upcoming exercises, which makes copying of the optimizer object necessary.

• Additionally implement a convenience method train(iterations), which trains the network for iterations and stores the loss for each iteration.
• Finally implement a convenience method test(input tensor) which propagates the input tensor through the network and returns the prediction of the last layer. For classification tasks we typically query the probabilistic output of the SoftMax layer.
You can verify your implementation using the provided testsuite by providing the commandline parameter TestNeuralNetwork1
8 Test, Debug and Finish
Now we implemented everything.
Debug your implementation until every test in the suite passes. You can run all tests by providing no commandline parameter. To run the unittests you can either execute them with python in the terminal or with the dedicated unittest environment of PyCharm. We recommend the latter one, as it provides a better overview of all tests. For the automated computation of the bonus points achieved in one exercise, run the unittests with the bonus flag in a terminal, with python3 Bonus
or set in PyCharm a new “Python” configuration with Bonus as “Parameters”. Notice, in some cases you need to set your src folder as “Working Directory”. More information about PyCharm configurations can be found here .
Make sure you don’t forget to upload your submission to StudOn. Use the dispatch tool, which checks all files for completeness and zips the files you need for the upload. Try python3 --help to check out the manual. For dispatching your folder run e.g.
python3 -i ./src_to_implement -o and upload the .zip file to StudOn.

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