Generative Adversarial Networks a.k.a GANs, are popular generative neural networks. GANs have demonstrated thei effectiveness in nearly every problem in computer vision. The GAN works by training a pair of networks, Generator and Discriminator, with competing loss terms. As an analogy, we can think of these networks as an art-forger and the other, an art-expert. In GAN literature the Generator is the art-forger and the Discriminator is the artexpert. The Generator is trained to produce fake images (forgeries) to deceive the art-expert (Discriminator). The Discriminator which receives both the real images and fake images tries to distinguish between them to identify the fake images. The Generator uses the feedback from the Discriminator to improve it generation. Both the models are trained simulataneously andare always in competition with each other. This competition between the Generator and Discriminator drives them to improve their respective models continuously. The model converges when the Generator produces fake images that are indistinguishable from the realmages.
In this setup, the Generator does not have access to the real images whereas the Discriminator has access to both the real and the generated fake images.
Let us define Discriminator D that takes an image as input and produces a number (0/1) as output and a Generator G that takes random noise as input and outputs a fake image. In practice, G and D are trained alternately i.e., For a fixed generator G, the Discriminator D is trained to classify the training data as real (output a value close to 1) or fake(output a value close to 0). Subsequenty, we freeze the Discriminator and train the Generator G to produce an image (fake) that outputs a value close to 1 (real) when passed through the Discriminator D. Thus, if the Generator is perfectly trained then the Discriminator D will be maximally confused by the images generated by G and predict 0.5 for all the inputs.
In this assignment, we will implement a Generative Adversarial Network on MNIST data and generate images that resemble the digits from the MNIST dataset.
To implemen a GAN, we basically require 5 components:
Real Dataset (real distribution)
Low dimensional random noise that is input to the Generator to produce fake images
Generator that generates fake images
Discriminator that acts as an expert to distinguish real and fake images.
Training loop where the competition occurs and models better themselves.
Let us implement each of the parts and train the overall model:
Download Data and Setup DataLoader
In this step we work on preparing the data. We normalize the images to range [-1, +1]
Noise Input for the Generator
Let us define a function which takes (batchsize, dimension) as input and returns a random noise of requested dimensions. This noise tensor will be the input to the generator.
Generator Architecture
Define a Generator with the following architecture.
Linear layer (noise_dim 256)
LeakyReLU (works well for the Generators, we will use negative_slope=2)
Linear Layer (256 -> 512)
Linear Layer (512 -> 1024)
Linear Layer (1024 -> 784) (784 is the MNIST image size 28*28)
TanH (To scale the generated images to [-1,1], the same as real images)
LeakyRELU: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#leakyrelu (https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#leakyrelu)
Fully connected layer: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#linear (https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#linear) TanH activation: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#tanh (https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#tanh)
(leaky_relu): LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2)
(layer2): Linear(in_features=256, out_features=512, bias=True)
(layer3): Linear(in_features=512, out_features=1024, bias=True) (layer4): Linear(in_features=1024, out_features=784, bias=True)
(tanh): Tanh()
Discriminator Architecture - 20 points
Define a Discriminator with the following architecture.
Linear Layer (input_size -> 512)
LeakyReLU with negative slope = 0.2
Linear Layer (512 -> 256)
LeakyReLU with negative slope = 0.2 Linear Layer (256 -> 1)
(leaky_relu): LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2)
(layer2): Linear(in_features=512, out_features=256, bias=True) (layer3): Linear(in_features=256, out_features=1, bias=True) )
Binary Cross Entropy Loss
We will use the Binary cross entropy loss function to train the GAN. The loss function includes sigmoid activation followed by logistic loss. This allows us to distinguish between real and fake images.
Binary cross entropy loss with logits: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#bcewithlogitsloss (https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#bcewithlogitsloss)
In [10]:
Discriminator Loss -
Let's define the objective function for the Discriminator. It takes as input the logits (outputs of the Discriminator) and the labels (real or fake). It uses the BCEWithLogitsLoss() to compute the loss in classification.
In [11]:
def DLoss(logits_real, logits_fake, targets_real, targets_fake): '''
Returns the Binary Cross Entropy Loss between predictions and targets
logits_real: the outputs of the discriminator (before the sigmoid) for real images logits_fake: the outputs of the discriminator (before the sigmoid) for fake images targets_real: groundtruth labels for real images targets_fake: groundtruth labels for fake images
# Concatenate the logits_real and the logits_fake using torch.cat() to get 'logits'
# Concatenate the targets_real and the targets_fake using torch.cat() to get 'targets' # estimate the loss using the BCEWithLogitsLoss object 'bce' with 'logits' and 'targets'
logits = torch.cat((logits_real, logits_fake)) targets = torch.cat((targets_real, targets_fake)) loss = bce_loss(logits, targets) return loss In [12]:
Generator Loss -
Let's define the objective function for the Generator. It takes as input the logits (outputs of the Discriminator) for the fake images it has generated and the labels (real). It uses the BCEWithLogitsLoss() to compute the loss in classification. The Generator expects the logits for the fake images it has generated to be close to 1 (real). If that is not the case, the Generatro corrects itself with the loss
GLoss(logits_fake, targets_real):
The aim of the Generator is to fool the Discriminator into "thinking" the generated images are real.
GLoss is the binary cross entropy loss between the outputs of the Discriminator with the generated fake images 'logits_fake' and real targets 'targets_real'
Inputs: logits_fake Logits from the Discriminator for the fake images generated by the Generator targets_real: groundtruth labels (close to 1)for the logits_fake
# estimate the g_loss using the BCEWithLogitsLoss object 'bce' with 'logits_fake' and 'targets_real'
# your code here
g_loss = bce_loss(logits_fake, targets_real)
return g_loss In [15]:
GAN Training Optimizers for training the Generator and the Discriminator. The below setup generates good images with the architecture. Feel free to adjust the optimizer settings.
Adam optimizer: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/optim.html#torch.optim.Adam (https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/optim.html#torch.optim.Adam)
In [17]:
#The following settings generated realistic images. Feel free to adjust the settings. epochs = 40 noise_dim = 100 LR = 0.0002
optimizer_G = torch.optim.Adam(generator.parameters(), lr=LR, betas=(0.5, 0.999)) optimizer_D = torch.optim.Adam(discriminator.parameters(), lr=LR, betas=(0.5, 0.999)) In [18]:
## Training loop
for epoch in range(epochs):
for i, (images, _) in enumerate(train_loader):
# We set targets_real and targets_fake to non-binary values(soft and noisy labels).
# This is a hack for stable training of GAN's.
# GAN hacks: https://github.com/soumith/ganhacks#6-use-soft-and-noisy-labels
targets_real = (torch.FloatTensor(images.size(0), 1).uniform_(0.8, 1.0)) targets_fake = (torch.FloatTensor(images.size(0), 1).uniform_(0.0, 0.2))
if is_cuda: targets_real = targets_real.cuda() targets_fake = targets_fake.cuda() images = images.cuda()
## D-STEP:
## First, clear the gradients of the Discriminator optimizer.
## Estimate logits_real by passing images through the Discriminator ## Generate fake_images by passing random noise through the Generator. Also, .detach() the fake images ## as we don't compute the gradients of the Generator when optimizing Discriminator.
## fake_images = generator(noise(train_bs, noise_dim)).detach() ## Estimate logits_fake by passing the fake images through the Discriminator ## Compute the Discriminator loss by calling DLoss function. ## Compute the gradients by backpropagating through the computational graph.
## Update the Discriminator parameters. optimizer_D.zero_grad()
logits_real = discriminator.forward(images)
fake_images = generator(noise(train_bs, noise_dim)).detach() logits_fake = discriminator.forward(fake_images)
discriminator_loss = DLoss(logits_real, logits_fake, targets_real, targets_fake) discriminator_loss.backward() optimizer_D.step()
## G-STEP:
## clear the gradients of the Generator.
## Generate fake images by passing random noise through the Generator. ## Estimate logits_fake by passing the fake images through the Discriminator.
## compute the Generator loss by caling GLoss.
## compute the gradients by backpropagating through the computational graph.
## Update the Generator parameters.
fake_images = generator(noise(train_bs, noise_dim)) logits_fake = discriminator.forward(fake_images) generator_loss = GLoss(logits_fake, targets_real) generator_loss.backward() optimizer_G.step()
print("Epoch: ", epoch)
print("D Loss: ", discriminator_loss.item()) print("G Loss: ", generator_loss.item())
if epoch % 2 == 0:
viz_batch = fake_images.data.cpu().numpy() viz_batch = viz_batch[:100,:,:,:]
viz_batch = viz_batch.reshape(-1,28*28).squeeze()
viz_batch = viz_batch.reshape(10,10, 28,28).transpose(0,2,1,3).reshape(28*10,-1)
plt.figure(figsize = (8,8)) plt.axis('off')
plt.imshow(viz_batch, cmap='gray') plt.show()
Epoch: 0
D Loss: 0.46264103055000305
G Loss: 1.3513493537902832
Epoch: 1
D Loss: 0.6063500642776489
G Loss: 1.418475866317749
Epoch: 2
D Loss: 0.4626656472682953
G Loss: 1.6148428916931152
Epoch: 3
D Loss: 0.5576615333557129
G Loss: 1.9002671241760254
Epoch: 4
D Loss: 0.47922059893608093
G Loss: 1.4638843536376953
Epoch: 5
D Loss: 0.6161726713180542
G Loss: 1.7752608060836792 Epoch: 6
D Loss: 0.5117217898368835
G Loss: 1.3818491697311401
Epoch: 7
D Loss: 0.5532097816467285
G Loss: 0.850067675113678
Epoch: 8
D Loss: 0.5170555114746094
G Loss: 1.558538556098938
Epoch: 9
D Loss: 0.5609914064407349
G Loss: 1.2748849391937256 Epoch: 10
D Loss: 0.5620597004890442
G Loss: 0.9637233018875122
Epoch: 11
D Loss: 0.677503764629364
G Loss: 1.587036371231079
Epoch: 12
D Loss: 0.6072178483009338
G Loss: 0.6921343803405762
Epoch: 13
D Loss: 0.6282433867454529
G Loss: 0.7593553066253662 Epoch: 14
D Loss: 0.6115226745605469
G Loss: 0.9736828804016113
Epoch: 15
D Loss: 0.5994598269462585
G Loss: 0.7585940361022949 Epoch: 16
D Loss: 0.6271088123321533
G Loss: 0.8702251315116882
Epoch: 17
D Loss: 0.6597898006439209
G Loss: 0.7623507380485535 Epoch: 18
D Loss: 0.6545729041099548
G Loss: 0.9596174955368042
Epoch: 19
D Loss: 0.6329202651977539
G Loss: 0.7845840454101562 Epoch: 20
D Loss: 0.6431184411048889
G Loss: 0.7534379959106445
Epoch: 21
D Loss: 0.6161472201347351
G Loss: 0.9322030544281006 Epoch: 22
D Loss: 0.6531614065170288
G Loss: 0.6275906562805176
Epoch: 23
D Loss: 0.6227430105209351
G Loss: 0.9248718023300171 Epoch: 24
D Loss: 0.6295380592346191
G Loss: 0.7408224940299988
Epoch: 25
D Loss: 0.6080989241600037
G Loss: 0.8669069409370422 Epoch: 26
D Loss: 0.6322269439697266
G Loss: 0.8779845833778381
Epoch: 27
D Loss: 0.622126042842865
G Loss: 0.940484881401062 Epoch: 28
D Loss: 0.654034435749054 G Loss: 0.7994505763053894
Epoch: 29
D Loss: 0.6723871827125549
G Loss: 0.9380213022232056 Epoch: 30
D Loss: 0.6597036719322205
G Loss: 0.9809228181838989
Epoch: 31
D Loss: 0.6533869504928589
G Loss: 0.8353543281555176 Epoch: 32
D Loss: 0.6207947731018066
G Loss: 0.7360573410987854
Epoch: 33
D Loss: 0.6306430101394653
G Loss: 0.9642484188079834 Epoch: 34
D Loss: 0.6351767778396606
G Loss: 0.6877511739730835
Epoch: 35
D Loss: 0.6428426504135132
G Loss: 0.8890438079833984 Epoch: 36
D Loss: 0.6553179621696472
G Loss: 0.7552984356880188
Epoch: 37
D Loss: 0.6511159539222717
G Loss: 0.8559886813163757 Epoch: 38
D Loss: 0.6626399755477905
G Loss: 0.6172978281974792
Epoch: 39
D Loss: 0.6192919611930847
G Loss: 0.8821083307266235