Instructions & Guidelines • For this coding assignment, you’re tasked with implementing and training three types of autoencoders: regular autoencoders, variational autoencoders (VAEs), and conditional variational autoencoders (CVAEs). Both the encoder and decoder architectures should follow the ResNet style. • No extensions will be granted for this assignment under any circumstances. • Use only data which is provided with this assignment • Submit only the file named as per the following convention: Ensure strict adherence to this naming convention. Any deviation from it, including the presence of multiple files, .ipynb files, or additional files, will result in non-evaluation. For example, if your roll number is 1234567 or MT34567, your filename should be or Coding Guidelines • Use requirements.txt to setup the environment. • You will receive a pipeline for training the architectures. Within the folder, locate a file named Your task is to edit only this specific file . • In test-set you must score SSIM above 0.6 to be eligible to get evaluated.
1. Train a Denoising AutoEncoder, encoder and decoder must follow ResNet style and residual connection must be after 2 convolution / 2 convolution-batchnorm layer. You are free to pick all other design choices. Plot 3D TSNE embedding plot for logits/embeddings (output from encoder) of whole data after every 10 epochs. 2. Train a Denoising Variational AutoEncoder, encoder and decoder must follow ResNet style and residual connection must be after 2 convolution / 2 convolution-batchnorm layer. You are free to pick all other design choices. Plot 3D TSNE embedding plot for sampled logits/embeddings from logits/embeddings (output from encoder) of whole data after every 10 epochs. 1