This session takes the PDS to a logical conclusion by implementing a full set of functions necessary to implement a small database system.
While all the code return so far can be retained and used, they may require minor changes and renaming as suggested in the given pds.h file.
1. pds_create _schema.c
Contains a main() programme that take a TEXT containing database schema information and
create a .db file which can be used by application. This program simply calles pds_create_schema() function present in pds.c
2. pds.c
Updated implementation of existing functions and some new functions as per specifications given in pds.h
a. Use contact_loader.c program to import contacts in bulk for testing. Input file with data is given to you.
b. The following driver program is given to you:
• pds_tester.c (generic testing with input data file like testcase.in).
• This file takes a file with commands such as (CREATE, STORE, RETRIEVE, OPEN, CLOSE) inside.
c. Test your program thoroughly with the above driver program with the test input file
d. Do additional testing by creating your own test input files
A. Use the following command for creating pds_create_schema executable:
gcc -o pds_create_schema pds_create_schema.c bst.c contact.c pds.c
Use pds_create_schema to create .db file using the following command:
pds_create_schema academia academia.txt
B. Use the following command for creating pds_tester executable:
gcc -o pds_tester bst.c contact.c pds.c pds_tester.c
For testing using pds_tester, use the following command:
pds_tester testcase.in