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Database Homework 1- Solved

You are developing a database model for a hotel chain.  This hotel chain has hotels all over the world.   

 Basic Requirements 
Each individual hotel has a unique id, a name, an address and multiple phone numbers.  It also has multiple features, for example: pool, conference facilities, spa, etc.

Each hotel has its own set of room types: e.g. single, double, suite, penthouse, etc.  A room type has a size (in sq. meters), a capacity (max # of people), multiple features, and a price.  Room types are specific to a single hotel – even if 2 hotels have single rooms – those single rooms are different in each hotel (differ in size, view, furnishings, etc.)

Each individual room in a hotel has a room number, a floor (even if the floor is part of the room number, because people sometimes want or do not want a specific floor) and belongs to a single room type.  

The hotel chain keeps track of guests.  Each guest has a unique guest id, also an identification type and number (e.g. US passport & number or driving license & number), an address and a home phone number and a mobile phone number.   

A guest may be currently occupying one or more specific rooms.  A guest is the person who pays, but their family members or friends may be occupying the room(s) that are assigned to the one guest.

 Additional requirements #1
A guest may have one or more reservations for a room type in a specific hotel from a check-in to check-out date.   

 Additional requirements #2
Assume the price of a room is not fixed, but instead it depends on the day of the week and the season.  There are numerous seasons that depend on the location of the hotel, for example: winter, winter holiday, beach season, etc.   Each season has a name, and a start and end date.  Seasons might be unique to a hotel, but sometimes a group of hotels that are nearby all share the same seasons. 

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