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DATA602 Assignment 4 Solution

This project focuses on natural language processing (NLP) by asking you to work on a basic text analysis task. Although the text below references NLTK, you are free to use any other NLP package instead (e.g., spaCy).
Review Classification
This part uses the Amazon Fine Foods reviews dataset, that contains reviews for a collection of products from Amazon. You can find the full dataset at: The project directory contains a small portion of it (not a random sample) with 2000 reviews. The format of the file should be self-explanatory.
Your task is to read in this file, and construct a simple classifier to predict the review/score from the review/userId, review/profileName, review/time, review/summary, and review/text (but not the productId, or helpfulness). You should figure out different types of features to use for this task, and should use a Naive Bayes Classifier for the classification (you can use other methods if you'd like). You should use off-the-shelf implementation -- here is the sci-kit one:
(Optional) As an optional task, try to predict the review/helpfulness from the rest of the information (including the review/score). Note that, modeling time would be crucial here, since later reviews are less likely to be voted as helpful or unhelpful.
Tips / Hints: This assignment is intentionally open-ended. You are tasked with both cleaning the given data and extracting the necessary information, as well as implementing a new set of Python packages for NLP (namely SpaCy will be usefule -- please investigate the documentation and example implementations). Specifically, after you have reformatted the data into a table of the values you need, try to determine what information can be obtained from the individual reviews that would be useful in predicting a rating? What language do a positive reviews have in common? What about negative? We are not looking for a top-of-the-line predictive model, but rather that you have experimented with the analyzying text data, rather than the usual numerical.
Submit your Python notebook as well as a brief explanation of the features you extract / how you get predictive information from the reviews.

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