You've been hired by a new space weather startup looking to disrupt the space weather reporting business. Your first project is to provide better data about the top 50 solar flares recorded so far than that shown by your competitor SpaceWeatherLive.com. To do this, they've pointed you to this messy HTML page from NASA (available here also) where you can get the extra data your startup is going to post in your new spiffy site.
Of course, you don't have access to the raw data for either of these two tables, so as an enterprising data scientist you will scrape this information directly from each HTML page using all the great tools available to you in Python. By the way, you should read up a bit on Solar Flares, coronal mass ejections, the solar flare alphabet soup, the scary storms of Halloween 2003, and sickening solar flares.
Part 1: Data scraping and preparation
Step 1: Scrape your competitor's data
Start a new Google Colab notebook to write your code! You will be submitting this as a pdf at the end.
Use Python to scrape data for the top 50 solar flares shown in SpaceWeatherLive.com. Steps to do this are:
1. pip install or conda install the following Python packages: beautifulsoup4, requests, pandas, numpy; these are already in the environment if you are using Docker.
2. Use requests to get (as in, HTTP GET) the URL
3. Extract the text from the page
4. Use BeautifulSoup to read and parse the data, either as html or lxml
5. Use prettify() to view the content and find the appropriate table
6. Use find() to save the aforementioned table as a variable
7. Use pandas to read in the HTML file. HINT make-sure the above data is properly typecast.
The result should be a data frame, with the first few rows as (these expected outputs might be somewhat off in some cases):
1 1 X28.0 2003/11/04 0486 19:29 19:53 20:06 MovieView archive
2 2 X20 2001/04/02 9393 21:32 21:51 22:03 MovieView archive
3 3 X17.2 2003/10/28 0486 09:51 11:10 11:24 MovieView archive
4 4 X17.0 2005/09/07 0808 17:17 17:40 18:03 MovieView archive
5 5 X14.4 2001/04/15 9415 13:19 13:50 13:55 MovieView archive
6 6 X10.0 2003/10/29 0486 20:37 20:49 21:01 MovieView archive
7 7 X9.4 1997/11/06 - 11:49 11:55 12:01 MovieView archive
8 8 X9.0 2006/12/05 0930 10:18 10:35 10:45 MovieView archive
9 9 X8.3 2003/11/02 0486 17:03 17:25 17:39 MovieView archive
10 10 X7.1 2005/01/20 0720 06:36 07:01 07:26 MovieView archive
... with 40 more rows ```
Step 2: Tidy the top 50 solar flare data
Your next step is to make sure this table is usable using pandas:
1. Drop the last column of the table, since we are not going to use it moving forward.
3. Update the values in the dataframe as you do this. Set_value should prove useful.
4. Set regions coded as - as missing (NaN). You can use dataframe.replace() here.
The result of this step should be a data frame with the first few rows as:
``` A dataframe: 50 × 6 rank x_class start_datetime max_datetime end_datetime region
1 1 X28.0 2003-11-04 19:29:00 2003-11-04 19:53:00 2003-11-04 20:06:00 0486
2 2 X20 2001-04-02 21:32:00 2001-04-02 21:51:00 2001-04-02 22:03:00 9393
3 3 X17.2 2003-10-28 09:51:00 2003-10-28 11:10:00 2003-10-28 11:24:00 0486
4 4 X17.0 2005-09-07 17:17:00 2005-09-07 17:40:00 2005-09-07 18:03:00 0808
5 5 X14.4 2001-04-15 13:19:00 2001-04-15 13:50:00 2001-04-15 13:55:00 9415
6 6 X10.0 2003-10-29 20:37:00 2003-10-29 20:49:00 2003-10-29 21:01:00 0486
7 7 X9.4 1997-11-06 11:49:00 1997-11-06 11:55:00 1997-11-06 12:01:00
8 8 X9.0 2006-12-05 10:18:00 2006-12-05 10:35:00 2006-12-05 10:45:00 0930
9 9 X8.3 2003-11-02 17:03:00 2003-11-02 17:25:00 2003-11-02 17:39:00 0486
10 10 X7.1 2005-01-20 06:36:00 2005-01-20 07:01:00 2005-01-20 07:26:00 0720 ... with 40 more rows ```
Step 3: Scrape the NASA data
Next you need to scrape the data in http://cdaw.gsfc.nasa.gov/CME_list/radio/waves_type2.html (also available here) to get additional data about these solar flares. This table format is described here: http://cdaw.gsfc.nasa.gov/CME_list/radio/waves_type2_description.htm.
1. Use BeautifulSoup functions (e.g., find, findAll) and string functions (e.g., split and built-in slicing capabilities) to obtain each row of data as a long string. Create a DataFrame at this point so it’s easier to use melt or wide_to_long for the next few steps.
2. Use string::split and list comprehensions or similar to separate each line of text into a data row. Choose appropriate names for columns.
The result of this step should be similar to:
``` Dimension: 482 × 14 start_date start_time end_date end_time start_frequency end_frequency flare_location flare_region
1 1997/04/01 14:00 04/01 14:15 8000 4000 S25E16 8026
2 1997/04/07 14:30 04/07 17:30 11000 1000 S28E19 8027
3 1997/05/12 05:15 05/14 16:00 12000 80 N21W08 8038
4 1997/05/21 20:20 05/21 22:00 5000 500 N05W12 8040
5 1997/09/23 21:53 09/23 22:16 6000 2000 S29E25 8088
6 1997/11/03 05:15 11/03 12:00 14000 250 S20W13 8100
7 1997/11/03 10:30 11/03 11:30 14000 5000 S16W21 8100
8 1997/11/04 06:00 11/05 04:30 14000 100 S14W33 8100
9 1997/11/06 12:20 11/07 08:30 14000 100 S18W63 8100
10 1997/11/27 13:30 11/27 14:00 14000 7000 N17E63 8113
... with 472 more rows, and 6 more variables: flare_classification , cme_date , cme_time , cme_angle , cme_width , cme_speed ```
Step 4: Tidy the NASA table
Now, we tidy up the NASA table. Here we will code missing observations properly, recode columns that correspond to more than one piece of information, and treat dates and times appropriately.
1. Recode any missing entries as NaN. Refer to the data description in http://cdaw.gsfc.nasa.gov/CME_list/radio/waves_type2_description.htm (and above) to see how missing entries are encoded in each column. Be sure to look carefully at the actual data, as the nasa descriptions might not be completely accurate.
2. The CPA column (cme_angle) contains angles in degrees for most rows, except for halo flares, which are coded as Halo. Create a new column that indicates if a row corresponds to a halo flare or not, and then replace Halo entries in the cme_angle column as NA.
3. The width column indicates if the given value is a lower bound. Create a new column that indicates if width is given as a lower bound, and remove any non-numeric part of the width column.
The output of this step should be similar to this:
``` start_datetime end_datetime start_frequency end_frequency flare_location flare_region importance cme_datetime cpa width speed plot is_halo width_lower_bound
0 1997-04-01 14:00:00 1997-04-01 14:15:00 8000 4000 S25E16 8026 M1.3 1997-04-01 15:18:00 74 79 312 PHTX False False
1 1997-04-07 14:30:00 1997-04-07 17:30:00 11000 1000 S28E19 8027 C6.8 1997-04-07 14:27:00 NaN 360 878 PHTX True False
2 1997-05-12 05:15:00 1997-05-14 16:00:00 12000 80 N21W08 8038 C1.3 1997-05-12 05:30:00 NaN 360 464 PHTX True False
3 1997-05-21 20:20:00 1997-05-21 22:00:00 5000 500 N05W12 8040 M1.3 1997-05-21 21:00:00 263 165 296 PHTX False False
4 1997-09-23 21:53:00 1997-09-23 22:16:00 6000 2000 S29E25 8088 C1.4 1997-09-23 22:02:00 133 155 712 PHTX False False
5 1997-11-03 05:15:00 1997-11-03 12:00:00 14000 250 S20W13 8100 C8.6 1997-11-03 05:28:00 240 109 227 PHTX False False ```
Part 2: Analysis
Now that you have data from both sites, let’s start some analysis.
Question 1: Replication
Can you replicate the top 50 solar flare table in SpaceWeatherLive.com exactly using the data obtained from NASA? That is, if you get the top 50 solar flares from the NASA table based on their classification (e.g., X28 is the highest), do you get data for the same solar flare events?
Include code used to get the top 50 solar flares from the NASA table (be careful when ordering by classification). Write a sentence or two discussing how well you can replicate the SpaceWeatherLive data from the NASA data.
Question 2: Integration
Write a function that finds the best matching row in the NASA data for each of the top 50 solar flares in the SpaceWeatherLive data. Here, you have to decide for yourself how you determine what is the best matching entry in the NASA data for each of the top 50 solar flares.
In your submission, include an explanation of how you are defining best matching rows across the two datasets in addition to the code used to find the best matches. Finally, use your function to add a new column to the NASA dataset indicating its rank according to SpaceWeatherLive, if it appears in that dataset.
Question 3: Analysis
Prepare one plot that shows the top 50 solar flares in context with all data available in the NASA dataset. Here are some possibilities (you can do something else).
1. Plot attributes in the NASA dataset (e.g., starting or ending frequenciues, flare height or width) over time. Use graphical elements (e.g., text or points) to indicate flares in the top 50 classification.
2. Do flares in the top 50 tend to have Halo CMEs? You can make a barplot that compares the number (or proportion) of Halo CMEs in the top 50 flares vs. the dataset as a whole.
3. Do strong flares cluster in time? Plot the number of flares per month over time, add a graphical element to indicate (e.g., text or points) to indicate the number of strong flares (in the top 50) to see if they cluster.
Part 3: Geomagnetic Storms (Optional)
As an optional exercise and to practice, also do the same exercise to replicate the Top 50 Geomagnetic Storms Webpage
(https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/auroral-activity/top-50-geomagnetic-storms), along with a function to create a plot similar to: https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/archive/2003/10/29/kp.
The raw data for this is available at Kp Index Archive at Helmhotz Centre: https://www.gfz-potsdam.de/en/section/geomagnetism/data-productsservices/geomagnetic-kp-index. I have copied down the entire directory (using wget --wait=20 --random-wait -r ftp://ftp.gfzpotsdam.de/pub/home/obs/kp-ap/tab/) so we don't all hit the server repeatadly (a real risk of getting the entire UMD domain blacklisted if one is not careful). You can find a zipped file: gfz-data.zip.
One of the things you will need to figure out is the format of the files in here (the .tab files), and how to parse them. There is however one-to-one mapping between rows in those files and the rows in the top-50 list at the link above (i.e., you don't have to do any aggregations or other types of processing to come up with the numbers shown in that top-50 table).
Question 1
Replicate the Top 50 Webpage linked above using this data.
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Write the code to draw a single plot where each of the dates is shown with as a line rather than as a bar chart, with all 50 dates on the same plot. Explore ways to make this plot understandable.
Prepare an Jupyter Notebook file that includes for each step in Part 1: (a) code to carry out the step discussed, (b) output showing the output of your code, similar to the examples above, and (c) a short prose description of how your code works. For questions 1 and 2 of Part 2, follow the instructions there. For Question 3 of part 2 provide: (a) a short description (2 sentences) of what the intent of your plot is (think in terms of our discussion on how we show variation, co-variation in terms of central trend, spread, skew etc.), (b) code to produce your plot, (c) a short text description of your plot, and (d) a sentence or two of interpretation of your plot (again think of variation, co-variation, etc.).
Submit the resulting .ipynb + .pdf file to ELMS under Assignment 2.