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DATA311 Assignment 4 Solution

Implement the following:
 implement a delete algorithm for a binary search tree (20 points)
 a BST class that has all other methods already implemented is attached
 you should implement the incomplete method called remove(self, value)  your implementation should perform the deletion in O(lg n) runtime

 implement your own heap insert algorithm in a function called my_heappush(heap,item) (20 points)
 your implementation should work exactly the same as heapq.heappush(heap, item)
 you will need to implement a sift_up algorithm for this
 the runtime of your implementation should be O(lg n)

 implement your own heap deletion algorithm in a function called my_heappop(heap) (20 points)
 your implementation should work exactly the same as heapq.heappop(heap)
 you will need to implement a sift_down algorithm for this
 the run-time of your implementation should be O(lg n)

 implement your own heapify algorithm in a function called my_heapify(heap) (20 points)
 your implementation should work exactly the same as heapq.heapify(heap)
 your implementation must run in O(n) time, and be in-place, for full credit
 for partial credit you can implement an O(n lg n) algorithm, and/or not in-place algorithm. (-5 points)

 implement your own heapsort algorithm in a function called my_heapsort(a) (20 points)
 the algorithm must run in O(n lg n) time
 the algorithm must be in-place
 the algorithm should use your my_heapify() function
 if you did not succeed in implementing my_heapify(), you can use heapq.heapify(). (-5 points)
You can find documentation on the Python heapq module here:

Below you can also find testing code for you heap algorithms.
Please use it to test your implementations, but do not modify the testing algorithms.

Incomplete BST class:
# helper function
def print_tree(n, indent = 0): if n is None:
print( " " * indent, "X") return print_tree(n.right, indent + 4) print( " " * indent, n.val)
print_tree(n.left, indent + 4)

# helper function def inorder(n): if not n: return yield from inorder(n.left) yield n.val
yield from inorder(n.right)

class BST:
class Node: def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val self.left = None self.right = None
def __init__(self): self.root = None
def insert(self, val): n = self.Node(val) if self.root is None:
self.root = n return r = self.root while r is not None: if val < r.val: if r.left is None: r.left = n return else:
r = r.left else: if r.right is None: r.right = n return else:
r = r.right
def __iter__(self):
yield from inorder(self.root)
def print(self):
print("------- Tree -----------") if self.root is None: print("Empty tree") else:

import heapq

def my_heappush(heap,value): # re-implement this !!! heapq.heappush(heap,value)

def my_heappop(heap): # re-implement this !!! return heapq.heappop(heap)

def my_heapify(heap): # re-implement this !!! heapq.heapify(heap)

def my_heapsort(heap): # re-implement this !!!

# you can use the tests below to verify your implementations are correct
# but do not modify the tests below

def is_heap(heap): def parent(i): return (i-1) // 2 def left(i): return 2 * i + 1 def right(i): return 2 * i + 2 for i in range(0, parent(len(heap)-1)):
if left(i) < len(heap) and heap[i] > heap[left(i)]: return False if right(i) < len(heap) and heap[i] > heap[right(i)]: return False return True

import random def test_my_heappush(n):
print("Testing my_heappush:") a = [random.randint(0,100) for x in range(n)] print(" [I] inserting:", a) heap = [] for i in a:
my_heappush(heap,i) print(" [I] heap:", heap) if sorted(heap) != sorted(a):
print(" [E] incorrect elements in heap after inserting:") if not is_heap(heap):

def remove(self, val): # not implemented pass

Testing code for your heap algorithms:
print(" [E] not a heap after inserting")

def test_my_heappop(n): print("Testing my_heappop:") a = [random.randint(0,100) for x in range(n)] heapq.heapify(a) print(" [I] testing pop on heap:", a) heapcopy = a[:] true_min = heapq.heappop(heapcopy) my_min = my_heappop(a) print(" [I] popped item:", my_min) print(" [I] resulting heap:", a) if true_min != my_min:
print(" [I] my_heappop returned", my_min) print(" [I] but real min is", true_min) if sorted(heapcopy) != sorted(a):
print(" [E] incorrect elements in heap after popping") if not is_heap(a): print(" [E] not a heap after popping")

def test_my_heapify(n): print("Testing my_heapify:") a = [random.randint(0,100) for x in range(n)] print(" [I] input array:", a) heapcopy = a[:] heapq.heapify(heapcopy) my_heapify(a) print(" [I] heap:", a) if sorted(heapcopy) != sorted(a):
print(" [E] incorrect elements in heap after heapify") if not is_heap(a):
print(" [E] not a heap after heapify")
def test_my_heapsort(n): print("Testing my_heapsort") a = [random.randint(0,100) for x in range(n)] copy = a[:] my_heapsort(a)
print(" [I] input array:", copy) print(" [I] sorted output:", a) if sorted(a) != sorted(copy):
print(" [E] incorrect elements in sorted array") if a != sorted(a): print(" [E] not sorted")

def test_all(n): test_my_heappush(n) test_my_heappop(n) test_my_heapify(n)


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