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DA5030-Practice 3 Applying kNN Solved

Follow this tutorial on applying kNN to prostate cancer detection and implement all of the steps in an
R Notebook. Make sure to explain each step and what it does. ( : The data set provided as part of
 Once you've complete the tutorial, try another implementation from another package, such as the
package. Compare the accuracy of the two implementations.
Try the function from the package to determine the accuracy of both algorithms.

Useful Resources
R Markdown Notebooks
Prostate Cancer Data Set
Occasionally packages are updated. 
incompatibility with the caret package. In such scenarios you can often wait for an update to the
package, not install an update, or downgrade to an earlier version of a package. Here's how to
downgrade a package: webpage. To check the current version of a package use , e.g.,
confusionMatrix caret

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