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Programming Concepts and Methodology II Java program called address book Solution

Objective: The objective of this project is to practice using files of objects and gain more experiences in developing interactive GUI using Java Swing and AWT toolkits.
Project description:
In this assignment, you are to design a Java program called address book to maintain a binary file of contacts. A contact record in the file should include the following information:
. First Name, a string of characters
. Last Name, a string of characters
. Email address, a string of characters
. Address, a string of characters
. Phone number, a string of characters
Your program should allow it’s user to do the following:
1. Create an address book.
2. Add contacts
3. Search contacts (optional)
4. Sort contacts (optional)
5. View/Delete contacts
6. Load contacts
7. Backup contacts
User interface requirement:
Your program should have a GUI closely similar to the following.
Programming hints about JLabel, JTable and JScrollPane:
1. To change the font size of a JLabel.
new JLabel(“<html<font size=5<bJLabel text</b</html”);
2. Create a JScrollPane and add it to the center of the contentPane of a frame.
scrollPane = new JScrollPane();
3. Before display contacts.
a. Create a JTable.
JTable abtable = new JTable(data,columnName);
b. Use the JTable to create a temporary JScrollPane.
JScrollPane tmp = new JScrollPane(abtable);
c. Get the viewport from the temporary JScrollPane and add it to the original JScrollPane.

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