Using Arrays download available with this lab. It contains two classes – Numbers and Lab1Main. You should load these classes into a project, and write the Java code as indicated in the classes according to the following specifications. NOTE: your code must never, never, ever “crap out”. (You must handle every possible condition). Test your code through the Lab 1 test plan.
Class Numbers
Data members:
· a reference to a dynamically allocated array of Float references
· an int to hold the size of the array
· an int to hold the number of values currently in the array
· default constructor
· initial constructor using an int parameter to set size of the array
· method initValuesinArray – which will prompt the user to enter float values to fill the array.
· method calcAverage– will return a float which is a average of the values in the array
· method toString – will return a String of the values in the array
Class Lab1Main
Data members:
· none
· main – a menu which creates an object of type Numbers, and prompts users to execute each of the methods above (and prompts for input from user when needed for parameter values to send to methods). See sample output for details
Sample Output: (green is user input)
Enter 1 to initialize a default array,
2 to initialize an array of input size,
3 fill array with values,
4 display values in array,
5 to display average of the values in the array,
6 to quit
Enter the float numbers as values in the array:
Enter value: 1
Enter value: 2
Enter value: 3
Enter value: 4
Enter value: 5
Enter value: 6
Enter value: 7
Enter value: 8
Enter value: 9
Enter value: 10
Enter 1 to initialize a default array,
2 to initialize an array of input size,
3 fill array with values,
4 display values in array,
5 to display average of the values in the array,
6 to quit
Values are:
Enter 1 to initialize a default array,
2 to initialize an array of input size,
3 fill array with values,
4 display values in array,
5 to display average of the values in the array,
6 to quit
The average is 5.5
Enter 1 to initialize a default array,
2 to initialize an array of input size,
3 fill array with values,
4 display values in array,
5 to display average of the values in the array,
6 to quit
Enter new size of array: 3
Enter 1 to initialize a default array,
2 to initialize an array of input size,
3 fill array with values,
4 display values in array,
5 to display average of the values in the array,
6 to quit
Enter the float numbers as values in the array:
Enter value: 10
Enter value: 11
Enter value: 12
Enter 1 to initialize a default array,
2 to initialize an array of input size,
3 fill array with values,
4 display values in array,
5 to display average of the values in the array,
6 to quit
The average is 11.0
Enter 1 to initialize a default array,
2 to initialize an array of input size,
3 fill array with values,
4 display values in array,
5 to display average of the values in the array,
6 to quit
Values are:
Enter 1 to initialize a default array,
2 to initialize an array of input size,
3 fill array with values,
4 display values in array,
5 to display average of the values in the array,
6 to quit
Invalid entry...