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CSI365-Program 5 Solved

Assignment Part 1
Ask the user for a cost of a product and the amount of cash paid for the product.

If the amount paid is less than the cost, display a statement stating that an insufficient amount has the paid and end the program.

If the amount paid if greater or equal to the cost of the program, display on screen the total amount of change and then the change in whole dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies. All output must have labels. All change output other than the overall amount of change must be in whole numbers. Do not worry about rounding errors – it is acceptable if the number of pennies is off by one.

Challenge – right justify the numeric output, including two decimal places after the decimal point for the cost, amount paid, and amount of change.


Part 2
Write a loop that counts from 1 to the 100. For all values that are multiples of three print “Fizz”. For all values that are multiples of five print “Buzz”. For all values that are multiples of both print

“FizzBuzz”. For all other values print out just the value.  

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