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CSI2120-Lab 7 Prolog Solved

Exercise 1: Maximum and Minimum Elements

Write a Prolog program that finds the maximum and minimum element in a list of numbers. The program should work as follows:


?- maxmin([3,1,5,2,7,3],Max,Min).

Max = 7

Min = 1


?- maxmin([2],Max,Min).

Max = 2

Min = 2


Exercise 2: Odd and Even

Write a Prolog program that processes a list of numbers and outputs another list which consists of a list of the constants odd and even corresponding to the numbers.


?- oddEven([3,1,5,2,7,3],L).

L = [odd,odd,odd,even,odd,odd].

Exercise 3: List Reversal with Every Second Element

Create a Prolog program to reverse the order of the elements in a list but also remove every second element. The program should work as follows:


?- reverseDrop([3,1,5,2,7,3],L).

L = [ 7, 5, 3 ].


?- reverseDrop(['world','a','hello'],L).

L = [ 'hello', 'world' ].

Exercise 4: Adding up all the Numbers in a List

Complete the predicate below that is to add up all the numbers in a list but uses an alternating sign. Example:



?- addAlternate([5,6,1],S).

S = 0.


?- addAlternate([3,1,5,2,7,3],S).

S = 9.


addAlternate(L,S) :- __________________________.





addAlternate([H|T],A,p,S) :- !,

     AA is A + H,



addAlternate([H|T],A,m,S) :- !, 

     AA is A - H,


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