CSI2110-Lab 2 Stack,Array,linked list implementation of stacks and Doubly Linked Lists Java Solved
1) Stacks. Array and linked list implementation of stacks.
Download the archive Lab2.zip and extract subdirectory stack with the stack implementation contained in the following filesStack.java Node.java NodeStack.java ArrayStack.java StackEmptyException.java FullStackException.java The archive also contains the files tryStack1.java and tryStack2.javaCompile tryStack1 and run it Compile tryStack2 and run it
2) Doubly Linked Lists in Java
Extract the subdirectory dLinkList from the archive Lab2.zip with the implementation of the doubly-linked list contained in the following files.ListNode.java DLinkedList.java In DLinkedList.java implement the following methods:InsertNode(ListNode nNode, ListNode pAfter)inserts the node nNode after node pAfter in the current list RemoveNode(ListNode nNode)removes node nNode from current list Compile TestDLinkedList.java and run it
3) Checking Balanced Brackets in Expressions with Stacks
Extract the subdirectory balance from the archive Lab2.zip with the implementation of the stack ADT with an array list contained in the following files:Stack.java ArrayStack.java StackEmptyException.java StackFullException.java The archive also contains the file bracketsBalance.java in which you should implement the following method:boolean bBalance (String exp)that evaluates exp for balanced brackets and returns true (if balanced) and false otherwise use the stack implementation in ArrayStack.java. Compile bracketsBalance.java and run it with different expressions