Theory (a) Write the sentences using logical connectives.(1) (b) Write the contra-positive of the sentence using logical connectives. (1) (c) What can be inferred and not inferred from the statement. (1) (d) Draw the And-OR graph (2) (a) Location (1) (b) Gender (1) Explain inheritance and multiple inheritance using examples from your Network. (2) Computational (a) Create a Travel advisory system in Python for travellers. It needs to suggest to aperson the locations(places) they can visit based on their preferences. (b) Advisory system here refers to a system that will take some inputs from the userand ask them questions related to their travel to narrow down choices and then suggest a destination according to their preferences. Write clauses and show explicit knowledge representation and reasoning. (c) You are free to make your own rules and facts. Create your own knowledge base,for example, you can consider the weather, activities of that location, places to visit nearby, connectivity, etc. (d) You are free to add any number of parameters. (e) Use Python features such as Lists, Input/ Output, Recursion, Backtracking, etc. (f) Should work for different inputs. Should not be hard-coded for one user. (g) Make your own advisory system. Make it as good as you can, but the advice shouldbe useful and practical. (h) Users must be able to add new destinations, rate them on a scale of 10, and providefeedback. They must also be able to check the already existing feedback. (i) You are free to make the program as interesting and complex as you want. • The complexity of the program (2 mark). • The kind of result generated (2 mark). • Example for Demo Program: Enter the preferred weather condition for the place. User: Cold Program: Enter Budget User: 30000 Program: Would you like to check feedback for a particular place ? User: No Program: The Recommended places are: Manali, Dehradun. Program: Would you like to add new destinations? User: Yes Prompt: Delhi Rating 8 Program: Would you like to give feedback on the place ? User: No Ends..