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CSE576 Project Solution

The task is to learn a textual entailment function that takes two sentences ‘premise’ and ‘hypothesis’ and decides whether the premise entails the hypothesis, contradicts the hypothesis or is neutral to the hypothesis.

Treat the task as any other classification task. Here it is a 3-class classification problem. Implement the following Neural Network architecture for the task. (Use Tensorflow or PyTorch for implementation)

premise_representaion = f(Premise) hypothesis_representation = f(Hypothesis)
output = softmax(g(premise_representaion, hypothesis_representation))

● output is a 3-dimentional vector. The first, second and third dimension respectively contains the confidence for {entailment , contradict, neutral }. ● Each premise and hypothesis contains at most 20 words.15 ● f(.) is a neural network with one hidden layer.
○ Input layer size = 15 * 50 (50 is the dimension of word embedding; use glove: )
○ Output layer size = 100 or 300 (try both and report separately)
○ Hidden layer size = 500
● g(.) is another neural network with one hidden layer.
○ Input layer size = 2* output layer size of f(.)
○ Output layer size = 3
○ Hidden layer size = 100 or 50 ( try both and report separately)

Report your accuracy on each of the train, dev and test set for the 4 different combinations in a table. Report also how many epoch did you use in training and the other hyper parameters. Submit the code.

train: 10K samples dev : 1K samples Test: 1K samples Format:
Each line is a json object. The ‘sentence1’ key refers to ‘premise’, ‘sentence2’ refers to ‘hypothesis’ and ‘gold_label’ refer to the output.

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