Get some CSV-based data (see course slides for good sources)
• at least 250 data points (the more the better)
• at least 15 dimensions (fuse datasets to achieve this) good mix of numerical and categorical variables (minimum 5 levels)
Your D3-based visual interface should be able to (10 pts each):
1 . present a menu to allow users to select a variable and update chart
2. draw a bar chart if a categorical variable is selected
3. draw a histogram if a numerical variable is selected (bin it into a fixed range (equi-width) of your choice)
4. on mouse-over display the value of the bar on top of the bar
5. on mouse-over also make the bar wider and higher to focus on it
6. mouse (with left mouse button down) move left (right) should decrease (increase) bin width/size (for numerical variables only)