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CSE546 Assignment 1 - Defining & Solving RL Environments Solution

1 Assignment Overview
The goal of the assignment is to acquire experience in defining and solving reinforcement learning environments, following OpenAI Gym standards. The assignment consists of two parts. The first focuses on defining deterministic and stochastic environments that are based on Markov decision process. In the second part we will apply two tabular methods to solve environments that were previously defined.
Part 1 [Total: 50 points] - Defining RL environments
1.1 Deterministic environment [25 points]
Define a deterministic environment, where P(s′,r|s,a) = {0,1}. Run a random agent for at least 10 timesteps to show that the environment logic is defined correctly.
Environment requirements:
• Min number of states: 12
• Min number of actions: 4
• Min number of rewards: 4
Environment definition should follow OpenAI Gym structure, which includes the following basic methods:
def __init__:
# Initializes the class
# Define action and observation space
def step:
# Executes one timestep within the environment
# Input to the function is an action
def reset:
# Resets the state of the environment to an initial state
def render:
# Visualizes the environment
# Any form like vector representation or visualizing using matplotlib will be sufficient
1.2 Stochastic environment [25 points]
Define a stochastic environment, where Ps′,r P(s′,r|s,a) = 1. A modified version of the environment defined in Part 1.1 should be used. Run a random agent for at least 10 timesteps to show that the environment logic is defined correctly.
In your report for Part 1:
1. Describe the deterministic and stochastic environments, which were defined (set of actions/states/rewards, main objective, etc).
2. Provide visualizations of your environments.
3. How did you define the stochastic environment?
4. What is the difference between the deterministic and stochastic environments?
5. Safety in AI: Write a brief review explaining how you ensure the safety of your environments.
Part 2 [Total: 50 points] - Applying tabular methods
Apply two tabular methods to solve both the deterministic and stochastic environments that were defined in Part 1. You need to implement Q-learning and any other tabular algorithm of your choice (e.g.
SARSA, Double Q-learning, Monte Carlo or n-step bootstrapping).
In your report for Part 2:
1. Show and discuss the results after:
• Applying Q-learning to solve the deterministic environment defined in Part 1. Plots should include epsilon decay and total reward per episode.
• Applying Q-learning to solve the stochastic environment defined in Part 1. Plots should include epsilon decay and total reward per episode.
• Applying any other algorithm of your choice to solve the deterministic environment defined in Part 1. Plots should include total reward per episode.
• Applying any other algorithm of your choice to solve the stochastic environment defined in Part 1. Plots should include total reward per episode.
• Provide the evaluation results. Run your environment for at least 10 episodes, where the agent chooses only greedy actions from the learnt policy. Plot should include the total reward per episode.
2. Compare the performance of both algorithms on the same deterministic environment (e.g. show one graph with two reward dynamics) and give your interpretation of the results.
3. Compare how both algorithms perform in the same stochastic environment (e.g. show one graph with two reward dynamics) and give your interpretation of the results.
4. Briefly explain the tabular methods, including Q-learning, that were used to solve the problems. Provide their update functions and key features.
Recommended graphs that can help to debug the code
• Cumulative reward per episode. Ideally we want this to increase linearly over time (it can be non-linear for stochastic environments).
• Total reward per episode during training.
• Total reward per episode during evaluation. Ideally the graph is around the max reward that the agent can get within the episode.
• Percentage of episodes in which the agent achieves the goal. E.g. for 1000 training iterations, provide the percentage of goal achievements for every 100 iterations. You can use any size-window applicable to your setup.
• Average number of timesteps per episode.
• Average number of times our agent receives a penalty by going into the ’bad’ state, if applicable.
Extra Points [max +10 points]
• Early Bird Bonus [3 points]
• Hyperparameter Tuning Bonus [5 points]
Provide the analysis after tuning at least two hyperparameters listed below:
– Discount factor (γ)
– Epsilon decay rate
– Epsilon min/max values
– Number of episodes
– Max timesteps
Try at least 3 different values for each of the parameters that you choose. Provide the reward graphs and your explanation for each of the results. In total you should have at least 6 graphs and your explanations. Make your suggestion on the most efficient hyperparameters values for your problem setup.
• Git Expert [2 points]
2 Deliverables
There should two parts in your submission:
2.1 Report
2.2 Code
Python is the only code accepted for this project. You can submit the code in Jupyter Notebook or Python script. Ensure that your code follows a clear structure and contains comments for the main functions and some specific attributes related to your solution. You can submit multiple files, but they all need to have a clear name. After executing command python in the first level directory or Jupyter Notebook, it should generate all the results and plots you used in your report and print them out in a clear manner. Additionally you can submit the trained parameters (.h5), so that the grader can fully replicate your results.
For the final submission you can combine the code from both parts into one.
3 References
• NIPS Styles (docx, tex)
• Overleaf (LaTex based online document generator) - a free tool for creating professional reports
• GYM environments
• Lecture slides
• Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto, "Reinforcement learning: An introduction" (pdf)
Complete Part 1 and submit the code and draft report. To submit your work, add your pdf, ipynb/python script to zip file Y (e.g. and upload it to UBlearns (Assignments section). Checkpoint will be evaluated after the final submission.
6 Academic Integrity
In order to certify that you followed Academic Integrity policy while completing the assignment, please include the following statement as a comment block at the beginning of your code. In case you submit multiple files, add this statement at the beginning of each code file submitted:
"I certify that the code and data in this assignment were generated independently, using only the tools and resources defined in the course and that I did not receive any external help, coaching or contributions during the production of this work."
Submissions without the academic integrity statement will not be evaluated and will receive a 0.
7 Late Days Policy
8 Important Dates

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